Tuesday 30 July 2013

Simon's blog, dogs and two gold fish

30 July 2013

One of the blogs I read on a regular basis is this one by Writers Bureau tutor Simon Whaley  http://simonwhaleytutor.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/one-of-those-weeks.html   Yesterday's blog was about how life in general get's in the way of all writers and their plans.  In Simon's case, it was all to his benefit - eventually!  One such item was his writer's copy of his latest book The Bluffer's Guide to Dogs.  It struck a cord with me.

I love dogs, all dogs; big or small, hairy of bald, yappers or woofers, dogs are just simply great.  Yet we don't have one, so why not?  Well, two reasons really.  One is that we are just not able to care for a dog now.  While I was able to walk and clean up after a dog we were OK; but now I can do neither of them and it's wrong to keep an animal you can't care properly.  The second reason is that we now live in a one bed roomed ground floor council flat.  It we had a dog when we first moved in then we could keep it but we couldn't replace it at any time.

In the past we have had a few dogs and cats.  All of the cats managed to pick up infections and die from them.  Not a happy state of affairs at all.  As for the dogs, two stand out for us ... 

Sally-pup at the sea side, and ... 


As an eight week old pup Sally looked just like one of the Andrex bog roll pups.  She was great dog and loved to be out and about.  I walked around a lake in Bed'th twice a day and off she would go - all of about 20 feet from me and then stop to make sure I was still there following her.  She never tried to run off anywhere. 

Cindy was as different again; not only was she a Yorkie Duff and therefore a lot smaller that Sally, but her personality was totally different.  Here's another shot her in her favourite spot ...  

Cindy was Jan's birthday present but very much my dog.  We're sure that when she died at three and half years old, that she knew what was happening.  She lay with Jan hidden under a blanket and by the time we found her she was well gone.  Both of us were heartbroken to lose her.

Now of course we sort of adopt every dog we see on the streets; just for a few minutes of course so we can give them a fuss, which most of them love.  Do we have any pets now?  Well, yes, we have two gold fish and few little minnow like fish.  They don't need to be taken for a walk - thankfully ;-)))

I also like vintage cars and bikes.  I found this one ... 

at the Ponderosa Cafe at the top of Horse Shoe Pass in Wales the other day.

And now for a funny ...

At a cocktail party, one woman said to another,
'Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?'
'Yes, I am. I married the wrong man.'      

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