Wednesday 27 March 2013

Kile, Clark and a lost certificate

27 March 2013

About three years ago I began looking at my family history.  On the Clark side the story was that my granddad was from a family of lawyers in Glasgow; he had a big row with the family and moved down to South Wales to find work.  Opps - it was a big fat porky pie.  I managed to get a copy of his and grandma's wedding certificate which showed that my great granddad was a 'haulier', not a lawyer.  Anyway ...

I put the certificate in a plastic wallet thingy and then into a ring binder.  OK, fine.  We've been watching the new series of Heir Hunters on telly and its got my itch started again.  Now here's the problem ... when we decided we were going to move to this flat we had to get rid of a lot of stuff.  Some went to the tip, but a lot more went to charity shops.  Once we were here we started sorting out and even more went to a charity shop - including a lot of ring binders.  Oh dear ... now I can't find the one with that certificate in it.  There are still a couple of boxes that need to be unpacked so I'm hoping it might be in one of them along with all the notes I made - including the family tree I had made.  If not, I shall need to start all over again.

Kile has been behaving himself since last weekend so we're due to have him from today until Friday when he goes home for the Easter weekend.  Jan is calling in to spend a bit of time with mother before she goes to pick him up.  

As for mother, I went to see her yesterday and I was even more shocked than I had been a couple of weeks ago.  She's lost even more weight; her breathing is shallow and laboured; she looked grey tinged with yellow; she's sleeping most of time and the care home staff seem to think she may have had a stroke while she was in hospital that wasn't seen or noticed.  Overall she is not doing good at all.  It makes me wonder just how I should be feeling.  I love my mother but I hate the way she is right now.  There's part of me that wants her to pull through but there's another part that knows if she does she will be just an empty shell of the woman I've known for 65 years.  I'm hoping it will soon be all over, but then I feel guilty because of hoping for that  Then I don't knowing full well that no matter what I do or feel it's a case of damned if I do and damned if I don't.  In the past I've heard of and read about so many others who have been in this situation and have always been grateful I haven't had to face it.  Now I am facing it and it hurts.
So then, today's photo is of mother in better times ...

And today's funny ...

A burglar enters a home and is greeted by "Jesus is watching!"
He shines his flashlight around and finds no one.
He takes another step to hear "Jesus is watching you!"

This time he shines his light to discover a parrot.
He asks, "Was that you talking?"
The parrot answers "Yes."
The burglar asks, "What is your name?"
The parrot replies, "Clarence." The burglar asks, "What idiot named you Clarence?"  
The parrot replies, "The same idiot that named the Doberman Jesus."

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