Saturday 2 August 2014

Death, photos and marketing

2 August

I have always liked Minolta camera gear since I first tried a Minolta XD7 in 1978. Since then I have used a number of different Minolta camera and lens combinations. However, Minolta didn’t play fair with its loyal customers. Instead of keeping to just one lens mount, they kept changing it. Canon and Nikon did stick to just one lens mount and that has lead to them now being the major players in the DSLR market. Minolta fell by the wayside and was picked up by Sony. All the current Sony cameras would have been Minoltas if they had used their noggins a bit more.    

When I turned 60 in 2008, my army pension began to pay out, and was in the market for a now camera. With all the above in mind I tried a Sony Alpha 350 and a couple of lenses, all bought out of the large tax free lump sum of dosh that was part of the pension. The A350 was a great camera; in fact, it still is and is now sitting on my bedside cupboard. But after five years I fancied an upgrade. Because of the amount of lenses we both had, Jan is also a Sony users, I went for the A77. Again, it’s a great camera, but I’ve become aware that I am struggling to carry it and the lenses around with me. So what can I do?

The obvious thing would be to change to the small and lighter Sony bodies that around on the market now. Sounds simple eh? Nope, it’s not! Sony have done a ‘Minolta’ on us and changed the mount on their CSC bodies. The CSC bodies will take a convertor so the current A mount lenses (which we have), can be used on the CSC bodies. Those convertors are around £250-300 a go. OK, but the CSC bodies look daft and unwieldy with the A mount lenses on them.

If I want a lighter camera system then I have to move from the A mount. Whichever way I go I will end up spending even more money than I already have, and money is now getting tight again. So I have bitten the bullet and ordered Nikon D5100 and 18-50mm lens and a 70-300mm Nikon mount lens. The prices are a tad higher than they should be, but as I can’t pay up front, I have to go where the credit is. So now I’m looking forward to playing with a new, but lighter toy.

And what happens to my current Sony gear? Well, we were talking about putting it on Ebay last night but I will wait until I know how the Nikon gets on first.

Last night was sat and watched Noah, the Russell Crow, Ray Winston and Emma Watson film that came out recently. I have to say that we both enjoyed it. Our local paper did a review on it and gave it a three star rating; I think they were mean. It has to be worth a fourth star. Crow and Winston played their normally first rate role, as did Anthony Hopkins. But the role Emma Watson played was by far the best one she has played up to now. It’s certainly ‘Goodbye Hermione now’.       

Hunting can be dangerous, we all know that. But back 1100AD King Willy II found out the hard way when he was shot by an arrow. The shooter claimed he thought he was shooting at a deer … hmmm … … … And on the theme of death, it was 24 years ago today that Iraq invaded Kuwait, which lead to the first gulf war. Placid people aren’t?

Today’s photo then, and another one from last Sunday … 

The bar in the White Horse, Oxford. I just love that pub.

Funny time …


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