Tuesday 10 February 2015

Two days off, Tom is still a pain and I hate sitting waiting for a delivery

10 February

Two days off for which I’m thankful for and I sit down to start writing for today, full of interest and eager to get going – then Jan’s sister Trish comes through on Skype on Jan’s lappy. I’ve sat listening to her rattling on for five minutes before I can start. On Sunday I did get some writing done though, getting around 2500 words of Bristol Fashion done. First time in weeks I’ve been able to get some done. Yesterday I had a no ‘puter day all round. In the afternoon I went off to Asda to do a bit of shopping. It was my first time out for ages.

I found a chunk of cod in the freezer on Sunday so I got it out ready for Sunday, but I didn’t feel much like having anything that evening. So I had it yesterday with small boiled spuds and a mix of green beans and sweet corn. Very nice it was too. Today we are supposed to be having fish fingers and chips with our son Tom. But now he’s put it off for a week cos he can’t afford the pus fare over. Jan has refused to go and fetch him because she is short of fuel in her car. This is deliberate because she is hoping to pick up her new car on Saturday morning. If all goes to plan we have a trip planned out to give it good run out to see how it behaves on a decent run.

Some time ago I said that I had bought a book called Pinocchio. It’s basically the normal story re-told from his perspective. Of course it’s a children’s book with loads of drawings in it. I read it over two night and enjoyed it, at least for what it was, but I’m not sure it will get read again. Years ago I was told by a friend that one her friends, a man I don’t like at all was, ‘very very fat, very very tall, and very very ugly’. Hmmm … good job she is a friend then not an enemy methinks. Anyway, I took that description and applied to a story about a lonely bus driver. It reads like a children’s book but the biggest drawback is that apart from my pension, I can’t draw anything. But I have become aware that someone I know can not only draw, but is pretty damned good at it. Later I shall ask him if he’s up to doing a combined book. We’ll see eh …

When I read The Fellowship of the Ring I found an easy read; but now I’m part way through The Twin Towers and I’m finding it a lot harder. It seems to me that Tolkien has become more obscure with his use of language. I hope the third book won’t be even harder. We have watched the films a few time and the differences between them is fairly major; still enjoying it though.

At long last Jan has ordered my new phone; all I have to do now is to sit and wait for it to arrive. Getting to this point has been a bit of pain though, although it was worth it because instead of the £29 pm package we were told in the shop was compulsory, I am not going on to a £17 pm contract. I just wish that training for shop staff was better, it would save a lot of hassle and silly games. As I said on Saturday, I want to phone so I can use an office suite on it, or at least Excel. I used to use it on my old PDA where I used to keep a list of our DVDs as well as what books I had. I would like to do that again seeing as my PDA died a death years ago. I get fed-up of buying books and finding that I already have them when I get home. So now we sit and wait.

Today’s photo then … 

An alleyway in Glastonbury.

Today’s funny …

I intend to live forever… or die trying

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