Sunday 15 February 2015

Facebook, writing and the telly

15 February

Facebook! What a weird beastie it is. This morning I sat and read something about how onions are food poisoning kits in waiting. Like so much on there I’ve read, its crap. A friend posted one about a man who has supposedly run off with his 15 week old baby; but has he really? And yet it’s not all crap is it? There’s a video of a dog having a lion cub sneak up on him and his reaction when he sees it, really funny. A group I read is For Reading Addicts, which is informative and useful. But do you know what? I think the whole thing was designed solely with the purpose of distracting writers and keeping them from what they should be doing … WRITING!

However, I don’t need Facebook or any other form of social media to put me off writing; well, I mean, I have around 70 books here to read, not counting those on my Kindle. There’s a least three magazines to be read, my work space needs tidying up, my bed needs sorting, my new book shelves are still not up, my … … … It seems we writers have all sorts round-tuits before we can down to main task of finishing our latest project. For me the project is getting on with Bristol Fashion. It will get down to it when I get a round… Well, Nuff said eh?

Yesterday afternoon I took it into me ‘ed that I fancied watching The Fellowship of the Ring. So I got the DVD out and set it off. Yes, another writing displacement idea but we still enjoyed it, and I keep forgetting just how good a film it is. And yet … it doesn’t exactly follow the book does it? Should that really matter though? As long as the story is followed and its main plots and story line is followed, does it matter that Frodo didn’t set off straight away but sold Bag End and moved away before he set off?

You see what I mean? This evening at 9pm, Rowling’s A Casual Vacancy is due to start on BBC1. The write-ups (see, I can’t get away from the ‘w’ word can I), seem to be majoring on the conflict between the parish councillor’s wish to turn a community centre into a leisure centre. But hang on a mo … the story is much more about that! It’s about the needs of a council estate foisted on the village by a nearby town and its effect on the private house holders in the village; it’s about a school who has to work with them all; it’s about the personalities of those involved. But most of all it’s about just how much one person’s life can impact on those around him.

Here’s another set of steps from Brum on Thursday …

Today’s funny is from the Sage …

While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders. The old rancher said, "Well, as I see it, most politicians are 'Post Turtles'.'' Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was. The old rancher said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle." The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb arse put him up there to begin with."       

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