Tuesday 1 October 2013

Window clearner, Echo Ed and too many chaity shops

1 October 2013

Yesterday was very much a bity day.  Jan had arranged for Kile's mum to come over and clean our windows with a machine she had bought.  It's like a mini-vacuum cleaner; you wipe the window with a damp cloth and then use the machine to lift the water off.  While that was being done I decided on to go off shopping for our normal weekly shop.  When I had a finished I called into the Anchor for a pint, which turned into two when Jan joined me later.  I also bought a two-pint carry-out of the same real ale I had been drinking while I was there; and very nice it was too.

Today of course is the start of a new month and yet again I'm surprised just how quickly time flies by.  It's crazy the way it seems to fly by.  What is it, only 13 weeks to Crimble?  Oh dear ... ... ...

Echo Ed is now in a slanging match with the Daily Mail over claims it has made about his father.  Neither will back down and I'll be surprised if it doesn't end up in the courts; or will it?  Is Milliband Senior dead?  If he is then dead people can't be slandered; or at least that's what I've always thought.  I'm sure that Daft Dave will have fun with that later whatever the truth is.  And what of the elder Milliband, Dithering Dave?  I wonder what he makes of it?

We all know what a ram-raid is don't we.  Fast, heavy and strong cars are used to smash their way into a shop to steal whatever can be stolen.  I'm sure we have heard of people by-passing their electric metres to get away with having to pay for their power, usually criminals and drug growers.  But how about a ram raid on a power sub-station?  In Dorktown a Fiat Panda rammed into the sub-station.  Of course it wasn't a ram raid but I found it a tad funny to read about in today's News anyway.

This town is becoming a joke!  It really is!!!  Dorktown currently has 14 charity shops within the town centre alone.  And what is happening now?  Number 15 is opening up in what used to be Mother Care.  Myton Hospice is a very worthwhile charity but will it draw support from our local hospice the Mary Anne Evens Hospice?  I do hope not.  But it doesn't end there though folks; we have 2nd Chance on Weddington Terrace selling furniture and it will soon be joined by Mary Anne Evans Hospice opening a furniture shop on Weddington Road.  I make that 17 charity shops in the town that I know of.  How many more are there that I don't know about?  And can the town really support so many different causes?

 Here's a shot of one of the stall holder in the Saturday Market ...

Funny time ...

A woman got on a bus holding a baby. The bus driver said, "That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!"In a huff, the woman slammed her fare into the fare box and took an aisle seat near the rear of the bus. The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated and asked her what was wrong. "The bus driver insulted me," she fumed.
The man sympathized with her and said, "Why, he's a public servant and shouldn't say things to insult passengers.""You're right," she said. "I think I'll go back up there and give him a piece of my mind."
"That's a good idea," the man said. "Here, let me hold your monkey."

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