Wednesday 30 October 2013

Cops, robbers and any real difference?

30  October 2013

In the flat above us is a known drug dealer.  The police know about, as does the housing department.  Yet both claim that unless we can provide evidence of any dealing and report it then they are powerless to do anything about it.  We quite often return home to a smell of cannabis having been smoked in the block's main entrance area.  Yet again we are supposed to call the cops at the time for them to be able to do anything about it.  Talk about policing on the cheap!

There was a show on telly about pickpockets and it showed a guy from Dorktown in it.  The front page of the News is devoted to this man, along with half a page inside.  This man was filmed leaving court and later said, "Next time I'll be more careful."  So where does that leave his comment that a " ... four month sentence felt like four years."  He's not bothered at all by it is he?  What a waste of a life! 

Here's an extract from my first novel The Mission ...

" Damn coppers, they really are bloody useless aren’t they!  They come knocking at our door when something happens and promise the earth but deliver nowt.  I don’t know why I bother to phone them, I really don’t.  Look at all that fuss over the break in over the back last week.  “Well, if you see or hear anything strange going on give us a call and we’ll be out straight away,” they said.  And look what’s happened now.  The bloody dog going nuts out the back at just after nine pm and there’s another van out there.  I call the cops and it takes them over two bloody hours to get here and get us up out of bed when they do come ... and the sodding van has gone!!!  I really don’t know why I bother.  And what about that kid who was having the shit punched out of him by that bloke?  They arrived quickly enough but didn’t do anything when they got the bloke, no evidence they said, no witnesses.  What about me and the woman by the phone box?  We both gave names and addresses saying we would attend court. So where do they get the ‘no witnesses’ idea from?  Oh yeah, and remember those kids I caught trying to set fire to the rubbish bins out the back the other Sunday?  The cops said they’d send the local beat bobby out when he comes back off leave ... deeerrrrr ... I wonder if the kids will wait for him.  And what about all that copper wire I saw being loaded in to a car across the way and the guy on the phone didn’t want to know about it.  The following day there was the report of twenty grand's worth of wire stolen for a supplier in Nuneaton.  And what about when our lad was hit by a car while he was riding his bike.  The lad was given a false phone number by the car driver, written on a betting slip.  The lad even pointed out the car to me but did the cops do anything about it?  Not bloody likely, too much bother, too much work involved!  
Look at all those coppers who were sat around at the services in Corley the other week waiting for whatever they were waiting for ... I wonder if it turned up?  Then when you need a copper you can’t get one, they’re all out on jobs they say.  Probably all on courses like Inspector Jack Sanders told me about some time ago. They get a brochure that comes round at the nick; they call it the holiday mag and it has all the courses they can go on over that year.  They read it and choose which ones they fancy for a few days off, paid of course!  “Better than the crap we get on the streets,” he said.  No bloody wonder they get crap on the streets when they behave the way they do."

Each of the incidents in that extract are true, apart from any names that is; they are all my experiences with the local cops here in Dorktown, and not all of them either!  Is it any wonder that there is so much crime on our streets?  Is it any wonder that offenders have no or little respect for cops or the law in general?  Then we hear of the back handers some of them have received from News International.  We hear of cops exceeding their authority and being in on criminal activities.  What else can they really expect from the British public when some of them behave like this?

Yesterday I was diabetic clinic for first time in about 18 months.  Fortunately everything was fine and well within the normal limits, but I do have to watch out for foot problems, I seem to have lost some feelings in the bottom of my feet.  Other than that, OK, fine.  But I have been feeling very tired just lately and can't seem to put it down to anything in particular.  So I was a bit surprised when the nurse said that the doctor wanted me to repeat my thyroid level blood test in three months.  I know that my Brother Dave had an under active thyroid and it caused him a lot of problems, especially with tiredness.  So maybe that is the answer.  I shall wait and see.      

So now I need to find a photo ... 

Ah yes, a really nice carnation flower.

And a funny ...

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama somehow ended up at the same barber shop.
As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken. The barbers were even afraid to start a conversation  for fear it would turn to politics.
As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Romney in his chair reached for the aftershave. Romney was quick to stop him saying,
'No thanks, my wife will smell that and think I've been in a whorehouse.'
The second barber turned to Obama and said, 'How about you sir ?' Obama replied,
'Go ahead; my wife doesn't know what the inside of a whorehouse smells like.

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