Monday 21 October 2013

Window man, art and another pub gone?

21 October 2013

Good job we were not planning to go off anywhere today seeing as we have heavy rain here in Dorktown right now.  No matter what the weather is doing men still have to work.  Take the guy who has just walked past our rear window carrying a ladder; we both jumped when we saw him.  He had come through the side gate which is hinged on our side wall and we had hadn't heard him open and close it.  So Jan stuck her head out and asked him what he was up to.  The people above us are having a new window put in, so that's fine, but not a job I would like.  I can climb ladders but I'm really nervous about coming back down them!

What is art?  Not a daft question you know seeing as there are so many different forms and descriptions of it.  During my OU years we were told there are three definitions of art: a; it's on public display; b; it's being talked about, and c; the creator says it's art.  OK, fine ... there's a photo in the front page of today's News of a multi-arch of living willows.  There's also six very large plant pots to hold floral willow crowns.  This man claims them to be art, they are on public display (the Longwalk at Windsor Castle) and I'm talking about them now (for the first and last time!).  These arches are very large and look pretty good but art?  I don't thinks so!

Ah, but now here's a story I really like ...  There's a large hotel called Western Hall on the outskirts of Bulkington, a few miles away from Dorktown.  Well, they have joined up with St James Church to hold a real ale festival sometime this week.  Now that will be worth a visit seeing as all the ales and ciders are from a local brewery who is producing a total of 40 different ales and ciders for the festival.  Maybe if I speak nicely to Jan she will take me over there for look and a wee taste ;-)))

At the same time though there is news that Bed'th may lose yet another pub.  The Old Goose in Collycroft may be sold off be a developer to use the land to build houses.  The locals however are up in arms over it and have open a Facebook page over the issue.  I do know the pub of course but I have never actually used it.  I have no idea as to how well the pub is doing profit-wise but by the sounds of things it must be doing OK.  So the question arises, why does someone want to knocked it down and build house there instead?

Isn't it strange just how far people will go to advertise their business?  There's a firm of solicitors who hunt are for strange facts and figures in their efforts.  Today they have a photo of an Afghan Hound wear a wig!  The claim is that in Tokyo you but a toupee for your dog ... hmmm ... ... ...

Photo time ... 

This guy was seen a few times as he walked the street of the town looking very bored with the whole thing.

Funny time ...
An alien from the planet Zarg walks into a small country pub.  "I'll have a pint please," he says with a smile.
The barman says, "We don't serve aliens in here."
"If you serve me," replies the alien, "I'll buy everyone in here a pint."
"Sorry mate, can't do it. It's against the brewery's policy," replies the barman."
"What about if you invite the whole town for drinks, make it a free bar, and I foot the bill at the end of the night?"
The pound signs light up in the barmans eyes: "Ok, you're on."
By the end of the night, everyone, including the alien, is pissed.
The barman says,"That'll be seven grand please mate!"
The alien pulls his wallet out and says, "Have you got change for a Ningi

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