Thursday 19 November 2015

To swear or not to swear?

19 November

This morning I had an appointment letter arrive confirm my brain scan at 9.15 a week on Saturday. That is bloomin’ early, at least it is for us. This was arranged by the lass who said I don’t have Parkinsons, but I am still losing my balance quite often, usually when my brain thinks I have taken a step but my foot has moved. I do have a brain, otherwise I wouldn’t sitting here at all, let alone typing me blog.

Neither of us fancied a full dinner so I put a couple of largish taties into the oven, and we enjoyed a nice baked jacket spud. As Jan said after, it was very filling and a real comfort food when the weather is cold and the snow we have been predicted to have over the weekend in the back of our minds. Of course we have to decide what we are going to have with them. Quite often I have a small tin of sausage and beans with it. I also make my own low-fat mince beef and sometimes have that. To make it worthwhile doing I have I buy a kilo of minced beef and by adding lots of onion, mushrooms, a large tin of baked beans and a large tin of tomatoes, I usually get around ten portions out of it. Last a long time once it’s portioned and in the freezer.

Yesterday afternoon I was sat watching telly when my right hip started hurt, just like someone had hit it with an iron bar. It’s been playing up for some time now and I suppose I shall have to go see someone about it at some time. Anyway, there I was with a hurting hip, so I go to the fridge and take a dose of the oramorph that we have in there (it’s Jan’s really but it works for both of us). And while I’m there my other hip began to hurt too. Next thought to come was, how does it know where to go to work on the pain? And how does it decide which to do first. Whatever, it does work and for that I am grateful, but the questions remain. I sat and watched a telly show about that once but most of what was said did fly-by right over me ed. So I’m no wiser than I was after watching it, ah well …

I really do hate the ‘F’ word! There is absolutely no reason to use it and yet it’s being used everywhere. Men, women, kids (I even heard one kid calling her mum a F*****g cow, when I was in a pub). But when parents are using it on regular basis is it really a surprise when the kids use it? Anyway – and here’s where I’m heading with this …

As you will know I am current reading King’s Cell, which is getting better as I read on BYW. This one is a paperback which I read when I go to bed, simply cos I can’t get on reading on my Kindle when I’m lying down. On my Kindle I’m reading Alien Hunter, a sci-fi but I can’t remember the writer (it’s a freebie from Amazon). A small group Kings’ characters find a stash of guns so they take them as they move through the shattered remains of Boston towards New England. Among the ammunition they find some ‘dumdum’ shells, or ‘fraggers’ as one of them calls them.

Now then … I sat reading the sci-fi for an hour before going through to bed, and one character in Alien Hunters uses ‘fraggers’ as swear word. OK, it’s fiction, but does it really matter? The word is being used in place of the common swear words of today and there’s the point really. When a word is used in a way that it is meant to be swearing, is it really acceptable? Even in children’s fiction swearing is becoming more common. Rowling was instructed to tone down Ron Weasley’s swearing, that why he only says, ‘Bloody hell!’ a lot.

And here I am asking questions and yet I write swearing into just about everything I write, even on here. Mind you, after The Mission I did stop most of it simply because it didn’t added anything to the story.

Just had to run off there … I could hear someone shouting about something. Jan is currently out right now and I thought she had come back early and had fell or needed help in some way. Well, it wasn’t Jan, it was warden who had come down to see Roy across the way. Last time I saw him he didn’t look all that well, so perhaps he’s taken ill again and needs help. The workers are in there still so perhaps they have called for the warden. Poor bloke, he really needs to e in sheltered housing but of course, the council can’t force him until he becomes a clear danger to himself or others. I would suggest is a danger to himself right now. Not my decision though, thankfully.

Today’s photo … 

I’ve gone right back to my Fujiflim 2800 for this one.

Today’s funny …

Q: Is Google male or female?
A: Female, because it doesn't let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion.             

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