Friday 6 November 2015

Harmless fun or a an ongoing hate crime?

6 November

Both Jan and I seem to be getting a lot of porn posted to our Facebook timeline. I had a sneaky feeling that a lot of it was coming in off the back of one of friends so I ‘Unfollowed’ him and at I’m not getting more signs of it. Jan however is still getting it. Seeing as Kile is sitting next to her normally it’s a bit of a pain trying to get rid of it while he’s looking away. So far she has reported quite a few users who are posting it, and yet it still keeps on coming through. It looks to me as if she has a friend or two who been hacked cos they are not so clued up when it comes to on-line security.

They are both playing on the Wii right now and the chatter/falling out has started off already, and they’ve only been at it for ten minutes. I would normally put a CD on playing through my headphones to cut it down, but for some reason the player isn’t working. Opps, yes it is, I’ve just tried it again and it’s working fine. But will I be able to write while it’s on? I shall find out soon enough.

We had very few fireworks going off around here last night, tonight and tomorrow may well be different though. Perhaps the weather played a big part last night. Not that I’m complaining though, I hate the damned the things and the sooner they are banned the better for me! Some folks might say it’s a tradition that must continue, but do anything the same way twice and you set a tradition. But in reality I have two major objections against fireworks.  

The first is, believe it or not, a hate crime issue. Oh yes it is … Think of how the Guy Fawkes Night began … remember the story? Guy Fawkes and some friends were plotting to blow-up the king and Parliament because they were Catholics and the Powers That Be were Protestants. That act of treason on their part lead on to hundreds of years of persecution of Catholics throughout the UK. Every year we see the marching season in Ulster and we all tut tut over it; and yet we do pretty much the same every November 5 we do exactly the same.

The second reason then is the one about safety I mentioned earlier this week. The biggest example I can think of is that of smoking. Would smoking have really have taken off the way it did if we had known about the health issues? I doubt it. More recently is the thalidomide pill case. Again, I really don’t think it would have been prescribed so freely if the effects on pregnancy had been known. Now look to the idea of everyone being allowed to have a fire in their back garden and let off explosives at the same time. When the sale of the fireworks was first allowed I very much doubt that the number of burn and maiming injuries were expected.

Have you noticed how anti-tory feeling about in the country just lately, while the pro tory-lobby seems rather quiet. I’ve been wondering why; perhaps it might be that far too many vulnerable people are now being targeted for cuts. Even with all the promises of not touching tax credits, they are the main benefit being faced with cuts. Perhaps now a lot of folk here in the UK have realised that majority tory government is not the best thing for the UK. I suppose at the last general election there was little choice really. My one Big Hope has always been that the tories would become and lost cause, perhaps that time has now come.

Today’s photo … 

Lovely car, but really a disabled driver/passenger?

Today’s funny …

A teacher is teaching a class and she sees that Johnny isn't paying attention, so she asks him, "If there are three ducks sitting on a fence, and you shoot one, how many are left?" Johnny says, "None." The teacher asks, "Why?" Johnny says, "Because the shot scared them all off." The teacher says, "No, two, but I like how you're thinking." Johnny asks the teacher, "If you see three women walking out of an ice cream parlour, one is licking her ice cream, one is sucking her ice cream, and one is biting her ice cream, which one is married?" The teacher says, "The one sucking her ice cream." Johnny says, "No, the one with the wedding ring, but I like how you're thinking!"

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