Thursday 26 November 2015

Caught up, again!

25/26 November

I did start this one yesterday but as you know, it didn’t get finished. After Jan had Skyped her sister we went out shopping and stayed out for a bit longer than I had hoped for. Never mind, onward and upwards eh.

Last night we sat and watched that show on telly, Tomorrows Food which was shown on Monday. It was a pretty good watch really. I liked was the MRE bit, three lies in four words as Tom Clancy said. It means Meals Ready to Eat; lie 1, meals, lie 2, ready, and lie 3 to eat. Those squaddies in the show were either not telling the truth and were well trained to do, or maybe the stuff really is good and Tom Clancy is just pushing his own agenda again. The idea of tomatoes and spuds growing on one plant, I can’t really see becoming a normal item simply because of the need of soil for spuds and the sun for the spuds. I’ve stopped recording Food Unwrapped, not because of the content, but because of the three wezzacks presenting it. Pity really, cos the subjects covered are really interesting Ah well …

Another foodie issue I saw over the last few days is about obesity and dieting again, only this time it’s about a new weight loss pill using brown seaweed. It seems that the seaweed causing a reaction that only allows so much energy to be absorbed by the eater to be converted into usable energy. Somehow it knows when to stop the flow and directs the excess to flow through and out the body in the normal way. A small trial was done with a group of truckers who seem to live on fry-ups. Without changing their diets most of them lost weight over a month by taking a seaweed pill before eating. If it works then all well and good; but there would still be an issue with eating fried foods on a regular basis and causing other diet related illnesses. The secret of course, is a balance diet and more exercise.

Daft Dave is still looking at bombing ISIS in Syria, and I’m torn by the thought. That group of nutters must be sorted out one way or other and if the muppets did bomb them, then I would likely be in favour of it. However, doing so is going to bring their attacks home here to the UK a lot quicker – or would it I wonder? And that is the problem with this issue, damned if we do, damned if we don’t. Are their people here just waiting to strike when ordered? I can’t see why not. But are they waiting to see if we take part in the bombing before doing so? Who knows? Eventually though, I think the UK will be hit by them and any bombing Syria or not won’t matter, they will attack anyway.

For some time now I have had a bit of a problem when replying to a post on Facebook when using my tablet. It allows me to write the reply but when I click return, the reply gets posted where it should but the whole thing goes over on to my home page. That means starting all over again, and it’s really bugging me. So now I do all replies on me ‘puter, not me tablet. That’s OK if there’s not much going on but when something takes off I’m usually late joining in, not a great disaster of course, just annoying.

Today’s photo … 

A pit of chips.

Today’s funny …

 A hillbilly family's only son saves up money to go to college. After about three years, he comes back home. They are sitting around the dinner table, when the dad says, ''Well son, you done gone to college, so you must be perty smart. Why don't you speak some math fer' us?'' ''Ok, Pa.'' The son then says, ''Pi R squared.'' After a moment, the dad says, ''Why son, they ain't teached ya nothin'! Pie are round, cornbread are square.''     

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