Tuesday 6 January 2015

I've done it again, ships and footies should be banned!

6 January

I’ve done it yet again. I put our kettle onto the cooker out of the way while I was busy at the sink. Then I managed to turn on the ring it was sat on. That’s twice in a month that I’ve managed to write of a plastic item in the same way.

What do you make of the fuss about Chet Evens returning to football? I have to be honest and say that I feel a bit up the air over it. He was convicted of rape and has now served his jail time, well, half of it anyway. Other footie guys have returned to work after serving time inside, so why shouldn’t he? And yet he still says that he was wrongly convicted. Is that because he was wrongly convicted or because he’s an arrogant sod who won’t accept responsibility for his own actions?

There have been other men convicted of the same offence but they have not been hounded like Evens is now. The difference is the reputation of the game as whole and the club that signs him that’s on the line. As it is, I can’t stand the stupid game and in my opinion it should be banned out right. Then it would matter so much would it!

Yet another ship run aground on our coasts. One sunk with the loss of all hands. The other one was run aground deliberately to try to save the ship. Here’s a photo of another one … 

We found this one on the Kent coast around 12 years ago; I wonder who they re-floated her? Not too long ago there was another one off Blackpool beach. Also not long ago there was the container ship that lost a load of containers overboard and gave a windfall for so many local people. There have been other instances where the possible environment might have been damaged.

Today’s shipping industry shouldn’t be so bad to allow most of these to happen. All ships are fitted with radar and other devices to keep them well clear of the coast. Up to date charts give a lot of information to know hazards. Of course the weather can’t be predicted with any real accuracy, but even so, these things shouldn’t be happening.

Another photo from Sunday then … 

a robin.

Today’s funny …

Sandy and Norman were in despair. Their 3 year old son Timmy still had not learned how to talk. Not a word had escaped through those now 3 year old lips. One night at dinner, Timmy took a taste of his pie, and to their utter surprise and amazement, said: “You call this pie? It tastes like some tasteless mush!”. Sandy and Norman sat there in shock, for this was not just their son’s first sentence, but the first words he ever uttered! Once the initial shock had subsided, Norman asked “tell me Timmy, how come you never spoke until now?” “I never had any reason to” explained Timmy. “Everything was always fine.”

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