Friday 16 January 2015

Hackers, recycling and being greedy

16 January

One of the bird watching site I read is under attack by hackers. So far two members have had their email hijacked and they are being used to post spam messages about porn and dating ads. I’ve not actually opened any of them but it’s plain by their titles what they are. It’s made me wonder why some folk are so lax when it comes to internet security. I use Norton 360 for all my computer security and so far I’ve not had any problems. I’ve tried a number of other systems and not been impressed with them at all. Of course I do know that some folk have tried Norton and found it lacking. So why is there such a wide spectrum of views on this I wonder? Basically it’s all down to us being individuals isn’t. We get on with the system that we find easiest and are more comfortable with.      

Moving on from there then … I was in the kitchen making a coffee and saw that Jan’s decaff jar was being used up and she would soon need to have some more. No problems there of course seeing as we bought a large jar yesterday while we were shopping. The thought came to me about recycling just then. We try to recycle as much as we can. But not everyone does do it they? Some people I’ve known don’t really understand how to go about it, and end up putting their waste into the wrong containers. The other group I know just can’t be bothered. They don’t see any need for it and just refuse to take part. Fortunately this is a fairly small minority. Convincing them to take it up will be a hard task I fear.

I did have my curry at Whetherspoons last night and really enjoyed it. I made a joke to the waiter about there not being enough but I still left some of it. What difference that is to how I used to be. Up until recently I was a greedy sod, indeed, a very greedy sod. Now I hardly ever eat everything that is put in front of me. My mother couldn’t understand that neither Jan nor me were not big eaters and she used to worry like that mad that we were not eating enough. Dave on the other hand would say, ‘That’s alright mam, I’ll have what they don’t want,’ and that is what would happen. Then he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t control his weight or diabetes. Ah well … … …

For today’s photo I’ve chosen … 

That’s me second from the left during Army training in 1967. I look a lot different now of course!

Our friendly Sage has been speaking word of wisdom again …

A cowboy walked into a bar and ordered a beer.
When the bartender brings the drink the cowboy asked, "this towns is very quiet where is everybody?"
The bartender replied "they've gone to the hanging."
"Hanging? who are they hanging said the cowboy
"They're hanging Brown Paper Pete," the bartender replied.
"Brown Paper Pete? what kind of a name is that" the cowboy asked.
"Well," said the bartender, "he wears a brown paper hat, brown paper shirt, brown paper trousers and brown paper shoes."
"How bizarre," said the cowboy. "What are they hanging him for?"
"Rustling," said the bartender

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