Sunday 6 July 2014

An apple, cover-ups and kosher salt

6 July

One of my Facebook friends has posted a recipe (, basically its roast cabbage! Jan loves cabbage but I can’t see her going for this one, mainly because of the garlic. I have a feeling it would be pretty bland without it though. And for pete’s sake – what the hell is kosher salt?

I was sat reading last night when Jan asked me about Newton’s Aid was … yer wooootttt??? The answer was, an apple core. OK, the story is that an apple fell on his head and from that he worked out the laws of gravity. I would have thought that it might have been fairly painful. Perhaps he ate the apple after it hit him; I don’t know, and I won’t be spending any more time on it!

We don’t have a Sunday paper delivered cos our paper girl doesn’t work Sundays. That means I have nothing to topical to read. My new issue of Writer’s Magazine arrived a couple of days ago so having got up a bit early today I sat reading that instead. I did have BBC News 24 on telly for a short time though. They reported that 114 files of papers relating to child sex abuse in Westminster have gone missing. That is a clear attempt to prevent the allegations coming out. An investigation is due to begin but I can’t anything coming out of it.

There has obviously been a cover-up at the time the files were produced and that cover up continues right up to today and will continue until those files are found, or the person destroying or hiding them is brought to justice. The issue of child abuse (one I have picked up on in my new Fred Cooper novel by the way), is one that will continue as long as men can’t or won’t control their perverted feelings. Just think what the current load of perverts already serving jail terms for their role in it, will be thinking now this has hit the headlines.

We are meant to trust our political leaders; but it is getting harder and harder by the day to do so. These people seem to arrive in Westminster and get away with anything they can. Their support staff, governed by the Official Secrets Act no doubt, will take a similar view and act accordingly. But surely, if criminal activities have been happened, then anyone who aids the offender in any way is guilty of a number of criminal charges too. Perverting the cause of justice, aiding and abetting are just two such charges.

Today’s photo then is … 

The Palace of Crime and Cover-up, London.

And today’s funny …

I needed a attorney, so I called the first one in the phone book. “Tell me are you a honest attorney?” I asked. “Honest? Let me tell you I borrowed $10,000 from my dad for tuition in law school and I paid him back in full after my first case!” He replied. So naturally I asked him what that case was? He squirmed and replied, “he sued me for the money!”

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