Monday 2 September 2013

Books, dogs and the law

2 September 2013

The other day I had myself a senior moment, complicated by a 'buy one get one for £1' offer - I saw two books and bought them.  It wasn't until I left Smudges that I realised it was Rowling's The Casual Vacancy.  I had planned on buying it when I found it in a charity shop, but hey oh, I've bought it as a new paperback.  Last night I started reading it and so far it's not too bad really; but there again, I'm only page 12 - at least I didn't fall asleep before the bottom of the page. ;-)))  The second one was a Lynda Le Plant book I hadn't seen before.

Last week a ten year old boy was attacked by a bull terrier type of dog and was badly mauled by it.  The lad had to undergo a three hour operation to repair the damage which went down to his bones.  His mum has made an appeal for the dog owner to look to his conscience and come forward.  A heartfelt plea of course but one which will fall on deaf ears methinks!  Chances are he won't even read the local papers and see the appeal. 

The thing is, these dogs are meant to be kept on a lead in public spaces like parks, I'm sure about being muzzled as well though.  Whatever, the dog was not under control at the time of the attack, and the owners pitiful, "Sorry," doesn't cut it in any way. But this isn't the only example of this is it?  How often do we see or hear of such attacks, some leading to the death of the victims.  Right now so many younger folk use these dogs as a fashion accessory, and not as a pet.  Part to the 'thing' here is the not using a leash for them and with the male owners they are after aggression too.     

I wonder just how many such attacks have to happen before action is taken.  There has to be a minimum age for dog ownership; maybe even a being a wage earner and house holder.  I wonder how many such dog owners are living in council or privately rented accommodation?  It's time for the landlords to starting taking action to evicted dog owners when they are keep a dog contrary to the tenancy agreement.

Now, please don't misunderstand what I'm saying here.  Dogs are good for most people.  They provide love and loyalty to their owners.  Many say that they feel so much better because of their dog.  Jan and I love dogs but we can't have one here in the flat.  Not only is it contrary to our tenancy agreement, but we are just not up to look after one properly.  That would be unfair on any dog we were silly enough to try to have.  So we make do with sharing every dog we see under control of their owners while we're out and about.  Some of those owners have been grateful that we have stopped to make a fuss of the dogs because we are on our scooters and it get's the dog used to seeing and being them without having to fear them.  That helps both of us, no, all of use; the dog, the owner and Jan and me too.

A photo for today then ... 

a grey wagtail at Titchwell.

And today's funny ...

Please share the following information with your friends.
I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out before!!!!!!
I wash my hair in the shower and the shampoo runs down all over my whole
Printed very clearly on the label is the following warning;
No WONDER I have been gaining weight !!!!
Well, I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using
Dish Washing Liquid instead.
Problem solved ! If I don't answer the phone.....I'll be in the shower!      

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