Sunday 1 September 2013

A birding day, Tom is let down and the useless UN

1 September 2013

Yesterday was a good day.  We took Kile out to the North Norfolk coast to do some birding and we had a really good day.  Kile used Jan's Nikon P100 and came back with over 200 images, some are first rate, some, like most of us are unusable.  I've copied them to a USB stick so he can them home to his mum to put on her PC.  He loved being out but like all kids the journey to and from was boring, even with Jan's IPad and his DS to play on.  Both journeys he fell asleep; not surprising really coming home seeing as we arrived here just after 10.30.        

Not so long ago I reported that a friend of ours is taking our son Tom to Germany with the thought that he could find a job out there.  Jan and I really did think Ollie wouldn't let Tom down, sadly he has.  His work situation means he is very busy but not only that his mother is critical ill and he needs to stay close - just in case like.  Tom was devastated seeing as he he'd already signed off the dole ready for his move.  Now he has to start his claim again but they don't get any help for the first four weeks of a new claim.  We're hoping he won't have to go through that again now seeing as he'd only closed the claim two days before.

So our Prime Muppet was given a bloody nose over Syria.  I'm not sure how I feel about that really.  Something will have to be done about Hasad at some time and the longer it's left the harder the task will be.  However, I also see that the task will be hard enough right now and that it will eventually have to lead to 'boots on the ground', to use the new 'in' term for war.  That seems to be one of major problems seen by our elected muppets; but also by the way Blaire seemed to con them all to take Britain to war in Iraq.  Another stumbling block is Russia and China supporting Hasad.  Would taking action mean those two nations getting involved as well?  Remember, they both have nuclear weapons and that is a serious worry for everyone.  Yet again it's all comes down to the ineffectual United Nations.  It didn't stop Korea did it?  Nor did it stop the Iran/Iraq war, the Balkans in the 1990's, Ruanda, Vietnam, or even the Falklands!  How many wars are there currently on-going in the world that the UN can't stop?  It's pretty useless really isn't it.
So now we need a photo ... how about this one then ... 

I zoomed in really close to see if I could ID the airplane making the vapour trail.  I couldn't do so but it does look like a military airplane to my untrained eye.

The Sage has spoken again ...

In a dark and hazy room, peering into a crystal ball, the Mystic delivered the grave news:
 "There's no easy way to tell you this, so I'll just be blunt. Prepare yourself to be a widow. Your husband will die a violent and horrible death this year."
Visibly shaken, Laura stared at the woman's lined face, then at the single flickering candle, then down at her hands........
 She took a few deep breaths to compose herself and to stop her mind from racing....... She simply had to know.
 She met the Fortune Teller's gaze, steadied her voice and asked , ......"Will I be acquitted ?"

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