Saturday 5 December 2015

Dreaming again

5 December

Kile arrived here yesterday afternoon having had the week off school. His mum had taken him to A&E earlier in the week because he was coughing up blood. We’re not surprised she went off there with that, it would worry us too. As it was it seems to have come from his infection that caused him to keep coughing so much, he burst a small blood vessel somewhere. He’s not so bad now though and should be OK for school on Monday. The anti-biotics he’s on is in liquid form and he hates the taste of it, so he has a drink of water to clear his mouth between each spoonful.

Although there’s no rain out there today, there is a fierce gale blowing. It’s strong enough to cause the alder tree outside our back door to do and bit of rocking and rolling about, but strangely there are still leaves on the tree opposite us. Here we are, five days into December and there’s leaves on that tree, strange that. But what isn’t so strange is that even with £50 burning a big hole in my pocket, there’s no way I’m off into town in that gale. I am starting to get a little cabin fever though and shall be looking to get out soon enough.

OK, I’m going back a day now; when Jan woke me yesterday morning, I was in a deep dream about a bloke I knew years ago when I was doing some courses at the local tech college. Anyway, I met up with him again on a visit to see Jan in the Hussy one time and he was working as a porter. We stood and had chat and he told me that he had warned them at his interview that he was tad clumsy and not to ask him to take medical records about the site. He laughed when he told me about it mind, so I didn’t take him seriously – oh dear, I should have.

Nest time I saw was when I was attending an appointment and he came in and sat beside waiting for his own appointment. He was no longer working as a porter. They did ask him to take records to various places within the site, and as he said would happen, he managed to send them all across the floor. There were x-ray plates, odd bits of paper and ECG graphs and so on everywhere. He left at that point. Now for the dream …

It was that bloke I was dreaming about, but this time it was me who was the porter not him, he was a patient. I wasn’t taking anything anywhere, I was helping out with operations, and he was the patient. Needless to say he didn’t come out of it very well; and now of course he could well be still on that operation table seeing as that was where Jan woke me up. There’s no sense in dreams is there? I hadn’t thought of this man in years and he just popped up in a dream. Ah well …

Robert Galbriath got me going again last night. I finally finished Career of Evil, and the twist at the end is a real good one, at least I didn’t see it coming. If you haven’t tried reading it, please do, it’s a good one. But if you do, make sure you have a dic-n-ary beside you because she uses a lot of large words, unknown to me at least. I am still looking forward to the next Cormoran Strike novel though.

The refills I ordered for my digital pen arrived yesterday. First look I thought they were too narrow, just as the ones supplied with the pen are. So I tried one in the pen, and it works fine. That’s just great, really please now. Looking forward to getting on with Arathusia why it now. I did make a slight booboo by ordering black ink and not blue, but I can live with that.

So now it’s time for a photo … 

Council House, Brum.

Today’s funny …

 Why did I get divorced? Well, last week was my birthday. My wife didn't wish me a happy birthday. My parents forgot and so did my kids. I went to work and even my colleagues didn't wish me a happy birthday. As I entered my office, my secretary said, "Happy birthday, boss!" I felt so special. She asked me out for lunch. After lunch, she invited me to her apartment. We went there and she said, "Do you mind if I go into the bedroom for a minute?" "Okay," I said. She came out 5 minutes later with a birthday cake, my wife, my parents, my kids, my friends, & my colleagues all yelling, "SURPRISE!!!" while I was waiting on the sofa... naked.        

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