Sunday 31 May 2015

The ghost is close

31 May 

I have a question for you; do you believe in ghosts? There’s no real yes or no answer to this one because there are few of us, if any who will agree what a ghost is. That has to be decided before the question can be answered. A couple of nights ago I began reading Doctor Sleep, Stephen King’s follow up to The Shinning. In there he provides another definition of a ghost. King has Danny claiming that our memories are the real ghosts we all have to deal with. Well, I can accept that one alright! I have a number of memories that make me cringe when they come to mind, memories that I wish I did not have. So in that sense, yes I do believe in ghosts.

Facebook has yet another trivia quiz doing the rounds. This one based on the 1960s and as it was shared by one of my personal friends (that reminds me, I owe him an email), I decided to give it a go. I wasn’t sure how well I would do on it so I was surprised that I got 11/12 right. But does that mean that I didn’t have all that good a time in the 60s. There is the feeling that if you can remember them, you didn’t, if you did, you can’t remember them. Well, I can remember them, but I still enjoyed them. Actually I was at school until 1964 so there was only six years of so-called freedom to experiment with mind altering drugs. The only one I tried and enjoyed was booze. Smoking never appealed to me after I saw what it did to my parents and their friends. As for drugs, well, what a horrible thought; thanks, but no thanks.

The thing is with memories we tend to be selective don’t we. We tend to think about the good times, not the bad times. That is where the ghost attack us. They try to drag us down and to steal our good times. And then we come to mental illness, like dementia which steals all our memories good or bad leaving as an empty shell of former ourselves. It’s that aspect of the illness that I hate most of all. At least when a person gets to that stage their ghosts have been laid to rest.

Let’s see what photo we have for today … 

I saw this flower at Rainham and was puzzled by it cos I’ve never seen it before. Any ideas???

And today’s funny …

A duck goes into a grocery shop and asks: "Have you got any matches?" The grocer says: "No." The duck goes back three times, and every time the grocer says the same. The fourth time the duck asks, the owner says: "Look. If you come in here one more time and say that, I'm going to nail your beak to the counter." The next day the duck goes in the shop again and asks: "Have you got any nails?" "No," the grocer replies. "OK," says the duck. "Got any matches?"   

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