Monday 11 May 2015


11 May

The other day I had a letter come through from the GPs asking me to contact them about a blood test result, so I have just been trying to ring them and I’ve been getting the run around with their silly Press Button … system. Twice now I’ve pressed the right button and after a minute of pretty awful canned music I’ve been passed back to the start. I was not going keep playing that silly game!

We are expecting our council contractors to come for three days starting Wednesday. One will be a designer, the second will come with swatches and the third will come work out how much kit to order. Why one person can’t do it all I don’t know. But you know what, the council is paying the bills and it seems fine to throw in as much as they possibly can to bump up the bill and make more dosh. And ultimately it’s us tax payers paying for it.

We’ve just had another one; no, not a council guy, a woman has used a key to open the side gate and then went off leaving it open. She was well away before I realised what was happening but Kath opposite us went after her cos she didn’t recognise her. Again she open the far gate and left that one open too, claiming they were supposed to be left open. Kath closed that one and Jan went off to close ours. Last night around 11.30 our gate opened and closed then too. Jan came through here and saw that it was Janet, another of our neighbours, so fine with that one. Why the fuss? Well, the ground floor flats are assisted residents and we are all either elderly, physically disabled and in some cases, both. The gates are meant to security gates and that means they should be locked at all times. It’s one of the reasons that we feel a lot more secure living here.

Peter James has two new books coming out soon, You are Dead is #11 in the Roy Grace series and due released in the next couple of weeks. Mid June he has a collection of short stories being released too. I shall be getting an order in for both of those. Rowling has another one under her Robert Galbriath name and is #3 in the Cormoran Strike books. That will be another one on my shopping list. A few weeks ago my kindle decided it didn’t want to play with The Shinning, no idea why. So I changed to a new Ed James book and read that one instead. Out of interest I decided to try The Shinning again, and it worked. Not far to go now to finish it and choose a new one.

After my disappointment with the start of A Game of Thrones I re-started it and stuck with it and last night I got to page 310. It one heck of big book! I’m not just talking about the page/word count either. The story itself is huge in its scope. I will eventually get #2 but not straight away, I have so many others to read first, including #3 of Lord of the Rings. Not only that but I will soon have two James and another Galbriath to read first as well.

So, today’s photo … 

A bartailed godwit.

And today’s funny is from a new source I found yesterday …

There's an Irish contestant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? he doesn't know an answer. Chris Tarrant says: "Don't forget you've got 50/50, ask the audience and phone a friend." The Irishman says: "I'll phone a friend, please Chris." He gets on the phone and says: "Hi Seamus, I just want to ask you, do you think I should do 50/50 or ask the audience?"            

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