Friday 27 May 2016

Oh for a world without politics

27 May

This time in four weeks we will know if we are to remain in the EU or leave. I want out, and I hope the last person to leave blows up that damned tunnel under our English Channel. If the vote is to remain then I shall be disappointed, of course, but that’s democracy of course and I shall live with it. It’s what might happen, no, will happen afterwards that will get me hot under the collar.

If we vote to remain and start to get drawn deeper and deeper into the EU their ways, we will hear the voices of the stuck pigs crying out in pain at the injustice of how things are. The reply will ask which way they voted, and guess what, none of them will admit to voting to remain. And of course the leave voters will be just the same if jobs go south and the economy crashes.

We saw the same after Daft Dave was elected as Prime Muppet in 2010 and again last year. Few if any admitted to voting for the tories anyway. Now we are stuck with a man, who even his own mother claimed that he is exceptionally stubborn, for another four years. But here’s the worry for me; so we vote to leave and over the next two or three years we must remain in there anyway so we can ‘negotiate’ our withdrawal. Negotiate? No, we should tell them we will withdraw on such and such a date and do it. The concern for me is what Daft Dave and his side-kicks will do during that two years and how much damage they will do during it.

You see, I don’t trust politians, of any colour. None of them can really be trusted with anything at all, simply because they are there to line their own pockets, even at local level. Then they will apply a 50 or 100-year block on their actions so we won’t know what they have been up to. By that time, they will be dead and gone and can’t be held responsible for anything. That could well be cutting even more jobs and making an even bigger mess of the economy than they already have.

I do try to keep away from politics as much as possible, but of course that is just about impossible simply because everything we do and see has some political angle to it. And I was never any good at politics, which was probably why I didn’t do better while in the army. For m, everything was black and white, right or wrong and I got angry (and still do at times), when things happen that turns things into various shades of grey.

Democracy has so much wrong with it but I would sooner live in one than a communism or a dictatorship, or for that matter, a system where the whole of society is run by the rules of a religion. Each of these systems work well for those at the top, the decision makers. For those at the bottom, all they have is grinding poverty. Even here in our democracy there are people who live in poverty, but not like those in North Korea or in any of the Islamic states. Yet how do we measure poverty?

I am retired and we live on my retirement pension, topped up with pension credit and my army pension. Add in our disability benefits and we live fairly comfortably really, even if we can’t afford to jet off for a week in the sun every or even take a UK holiday every year. Yet we are supposed to be ‘in poverty’. Single people living on benefits are not so well off though; and yet even they are doing a lot better than those in India or Africa who have to scratch a living off the cost offs of others.

Sadly, there is no single political system that brings true equality to everyone, simply because there always has to be someone at the top who has the task of keeping everything running. That sort of power corrupts everyone, even in our fictitious system.

And so politics is everywhere, whether we like it or not. We just have to learn to live with it … unless that is a revolution takes place. However, that will mean all that has been done is to swap one load of corrupt politians with another … so sad … … …

And so to today’s photo …

My ham salad dinner last night.

Today’s funny …

Why did Cinderella get dropped from the football team?
She ran away from the ball.

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