Wednesday 4 May 2016

How our tax is spent?

4 May

Our marvellous government is getting everything up-side-down and in-side-out yet again. This time it’s about how the translators who worked with our troops in Afghanistan. It seems that they are still not allowed to remain here after all their efforts for us. They are being deported back to Afghanistan and the fear of it has caused one of them to kill himself. Senior armed service officers have called for a change of policy on this one; they are being ignored.

How sad is that? And yet we are taking in 20,000 Syrians who have done nothing for the UK. It certainly looks to me like we have forgotten our liabilities to those who help us in difficult times. I’m sure these actions will be remembered next time we need such help and support in such difficult situations. And who will pay the price? Our poor bloody soldiers on the ground of course; certainly not the morons who won’t apply common sense in this case!

Bloody taxman!!! I’ve just had my pension statement form my army pension arrive in the post. They are taking £84.20 a month off me, and for what? Paying those morons who I have just been moaning about? I don’t think so! I don’t get any choice in paying it seeing its stopped at source, but I can make sure that some of it can go where I want it to go by gift aiding donations we make to various charities.    

Yesterday went off as we’d hoped and we got most of the bits done we wanted, apart from new shots of the cathedral. Jan got a text asking if we could have Kile for the night cos there was a problem over bus fares and so on. So we rushed back home in case he didn’t have his key to get in, and he didn’t, he’d forgotten it. But that was fine, he wasn’t waiting for long anyway. Jan was up really with him to get him off to school so I’m letting her sleep in a wee bit for now, cos it’s all about to happen again tonight/tomorrow.


I did get a load of new photos yesterday though. I’m not totally happy with most of them, but they are good enough in reality, and here’s the first one …

Jan looking pretty and happy.

Today’s funny …

A man goes into a seafood restaurant and sees a sign that reads: "Big Red Lobster tails - £1." Amazed at the value of the offer, he calls a waitress over.
"Excuse me," he said. "Is that sign correct?"
"Yes sir," she replied. "It's today's special offer."
"Fantastic," said the man. "But are you sure they're not small?"
"Oh no sir, I can assure you that they are very big."
"Are they out of date then?" "No, no sir, they are fresh in this morning."
"Well in that case, here's my £1. Fill me up"
The waitress took the £1 coin, sat down beside him and said "Once upon a time, there was a big red lobster..."

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