Sunday 21 September 2014

Sunday, chicken dinner and malt whisky

21 September

Yet another senior moments folks; I typed 29th, not 20th of September yesterday. Sorry about that, just spotted it.

Well now … I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you it is Sunday today. Jan is off to church and then off to take Vicky, Kile’s step sister back home. She’ll be home around 5 or 6ish.

Anyway, we had decided that we would have a chicken dinner today. So while she was out yesterday she stopped off at Asda and bought a huge great chicken, 2kgs in weight. That is large compared with what we normally have. But Jan first checked the price of our normal weight bird, around 1kg or slightly over but they were only 50p less than the one she bought. Well, I’ve just stuffed him, and put him in the oven. Really looking forward to getting me chuckling gear round it now.      

I started a new bottle of malt whisky last night; Ardmore it’s called, and very nice it is too. There are so many different malts on the market the mind boggles. In Edinburgh last year I went into a bar where they over 300 opened and ready for sale by the nip. Prices ranged from £2.99 to over £400 a nip. A malt at the higher range there should really be an investment bottle, not a drinking bottle.

With the Ardmore I will have 10 empty bottles and boxes on display here near my desk. I can think of another four or five brands that I have had in the past but let go. The thing is, and the point of all this really, is that I do like malt whisky (if you needed confirmation that is.) But if you were to give me one without telling me what it was, I couldn’t tell you what it was. I also find it hard to believe that anyone can tell the difference between them all.

So which one is my favourite of them all? Well, so far I have to say Glenlivet 15 year old. That was very nice and smooth. Next in line is the Tomatin (rhymes with satin), 12 year old and in the same spot is Dalmore 15 year old. But there is another that I really do like but isn’t called a malt; that is Bushmills Black Bear. Now that is a nice drink.

So what photo for today then … 

My fishy dinner I had last week sometime.

And today’s funny …

  “Harry,” whined Mary, to her husband of 20 years. “What should I do?! I’m not ready for old age! I’m only 40 years old but I look and feel like I’m over 55! My face is all wrinkly, my back is bent over, and my hair is all thinned out.” “Well,” said Harry after looking her up and down, “There is one thing about you that still works as good as new.” “Oh Harry!” said Mary sitting down next to her husband, “you always know just what to say! What are you referring to?” “Never mind” said Harry looking down. “C’mon Harry, please tell me what you were referring to.” “Mary, please don’t make me.” “Harry I insist.” “Well I was going to remark about how your eyesight seems to be working just fine!”

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