Friday 26 September 2014

Feeding Kile, miltary action and why it is needed

26 September

Friday; Kile is due to spend the weekend here with us. We should be used to it by now of course, but we still get thrown a wee bit by what to get him for dinner. Happily, he seems to be easy to please; so tonight we will be sharing a pepperoni pizza, tomorrow I shall do one of my rice’n‘bits. Jan normally takes him for a McDonalds on Sunday, but it depends on if she goes to church or not. Jan has mentioned having a day off this Sunday.

And so the Nation’s Muppets are meeting in London to decide if the RAF is to bomb ISIS in Iraq. I don’t see they shouldn’t do so really. One British man has been murdered by ISIS and another is likely to be murdered. But is the death of one or two Brits worse than the number of Iraqi and Syrian people who have died or have been raped by this group of thugs? I don’t think so, not by a long way.

Where has ISIS come from though? But think about it folks; ISIS is not the only such group is it? Such groups are murdering people right across North and West Africa as well as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. What has changed in those areas that have allowed such groups to rise and come to the fore? Simple really; the downfall of Saddam Hussain in 2003/4. The USA and Britain deposed him and along with the chasing of the Taliban out of Afghanistan.

Throw in the air support of the opposition forces in Libya, and the stage was set. Thinking, hoping for the same support in Egypt and Syria, uprising started there too. They have been disappointed by the West’s refusal to help with air attacks.

However, it’s not just that simple is it? There are groups of Muslim leaders and imams who preach hate of the Western countries. These men reach out to those young Muslims who are easily motivated into taking action. If their cause is so great, so good for the Muslim soul, why don’t those imams go off and fight? Why? Oh, that’s simple too; they are afraid to pick up a rifle and stand up to face the people they are trying to subjugate. They want to live where they are the big fish, but are not willing to take an active part in killing the other big fish.

Well, I suppose I got off me soap box again and looked for a photo … 

This is another of mam with her older brother Charlie and sister-in-law Phyllis

And today’s funny …


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