Saturday 13 September 2014

A new car, a poem and is autumn early?

13 September

Here we are, half way through September and looking out the back as a large amount of leaves are falling off the trees, it’s starting to look like autumn has come really early. I hope that isn’t an indication of how thing will work for this winter.

Well, I’m sat here on me tod feeling sorry for myself again. Jan and Kile are on their way to Drayton Manor Park but I’m still full of cold and chesty cough. I really don’t feel up to doing much at all. I’m hoping now that it will all be over with for next Wednesday for the funeral. I should really hate to miss that.

Warwickshire Police stopped a car driving through Kenilworth town centre the other day. There’s really nothing odd about that is there? But their ANPR unit pinged on the car’s number plate but the story in today’s Telegraph doesn’t say why apart from investigations are on-going as to whether insurance was held by the driver at the time. Well, the driver had had his licence revoked at some time, so surely that means any insurance would null and void. BUT … what makes the story news-worthy is that the car concerned was a £250,000 Lamborghini Adventador. So a man is driving a 250 grand car on a revoked licence and possibly without insurance; what the hell was he thinking of, if he was thinking that is!

It has since turned out that there is an outstanding credit agreement debt on the car too. It has now been seized and will be sold to pay off the debt. I just don’t understand some people you know. You buy a car like that, which shows you are not short of a bob or two, right? It must have been insured at one point, I can’t see a dealer allowing the car to driven away unless it was insured. The cost of that insurance would be quite heavy too, no matter who the driver is. But then he stops the payments for the car and perhaps even lets the insurance lapse. All very strange to me. I have a feeling there is a lot more behind this story than has been mentioned so far.

I’m sure I have mention on here before that I don’t do poetry. Having said that, there is one I wouldn’t mind having a go at; that one is Dante’s Inferno. Well, I’m informed that the poet Dante, died on this day in 1321.

Today’s photo is of a large fungi I saw at Slimbridge the other week … 

And today’s funny …

 Lady – “So do you drink?” Man – “I used to drink a lot, but I quit cold turkey. Lady – “Wow, that must take a lot of self control.” Man – “Well I found out I was allergic to it, every time I drank I broke out in handcuffs.”

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