Tuesday 4 November 2014

I'm cold, too many cameras and support network

4 November

According to our thermometer the temp in here is 730C, yet I am sat here feeling really cold. Jan on the other hand is really warm and seating freely. It’s hard to judge thing so we can be comfortable. A jumper is helping me I suppose but I’d sooner not wear one indoors. Ah well … … …

We have so many cameras sitting around here it’s not real. I keep thinking it’s time I got them up on eBay, but first I need to get photos done of them. I was aiming to do that this afternoon, but Jan wants to get the Doblo ready for a birding day later in the week. She’s right of course, it is time we got out birding again. Maybe it won’t take long doing the car, it is just moving the scooters from the Citroen to the Doblo. The rest we can do the rest the day we go off. The next decision is where we go … oh dear … … …

The warden who runs the support for our flats has just called in to see us. He says that the red pull cords needed to be checked. The pull cord system has been on our minds for some time now, since Jan had her last stroke actually. The idea of the pull cord is that if we need help we pull the cord and help arrives, hopefully in time to stop any real damage.

Well, that is what we have been wondering about. If we are both here and one of falls, then fine, we can summon help; but if we are on our own, the one that needs help might not be able to get to the pull cord. And in any case, how can we get to the door to unlock it? The warden is going to order us one of those pendants each for just such a times as those. As for getting in, it seems that they have a master key for all the front rooms. I wonder how long it will take the council to get us the pendants. We shall soon see!

NANO is going fine at the moment with the word count at 5649, around 1000 words up on the projected level. That is something else I want to get on with later. If Jan goes out this evening I shall spend a few hours adding to it. Right now, one of my baddies is in Blackpool and rented a flat where he can have a fast broadband connection. OK, fine … but why does he need a fast broadband connection? Ah, well, he hasn’t told me for certain yet although he’s hinted at one or two reasons. But right now my heroes group is screaming to be let back into the story. The life of a writer eh?

And so for today’s photo … 

An arty-farty rubbish bin in Glastonbury.

And funny time …

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