Monday 30 March 2015

Kile has moved on for a few days

30 March

That silly clock game had a bit of an impact on us here this year. Kile was really tiered all day and so was I. Jan seemed to have got away with it I think although by bedtime she was starting to feel it. On top of that I had a bottle of chardonnay, which was very nice but being so tired it knocked me a bit sideways. Something on face book is amusing about it too. It goes, ‘The hour I lost on Sunday I had allocated to going to the gym, ah well … … …

Kile is off to his nans for a few days now. His step-brother Billy is already up there so by now Jan and Leslie will be run ragged by them. Kile has always enjoyed coming to us for a few days, but it’s clear that just lately he’s been bored or just too tired to do anything. Of course, he hasn’t been able to be taken out for some time now, what with the weather and one of the three of being ill in some way. Hopefully we shall be able to get out and go birding more now that the spring is here.

With that in mind I asked him if he was OK with heights. Jan spoke up straight away that he isn’t, he’s terrified of heights. Oh dear, that’s one site out then. We will be going up to Bempton Cliffs later for get shots of the birds up there; but the cliffs are very high, around 2-300 foot I think. So now we will find somewhere else. One trip I know we will be doing is a return to the Parry Hotter studio tour now that Platform 9¾ has been added. Of course, we’re only going cos Kile wants to go, not me of course … … …

A short break there to watch the news and have a couple of Weetabix. Have you noticed the delays that are becoming more common in the news caused by the use of satellite use? I have and although it’s acceptable when a live report comes in from abroad, but from here in the UK – no, I don’t think so. So much for technology speeding things up then.

But do we really want everything to be so fast? Why can’t we just take it easy and enjoy things as they are in nature? I see a lot of things that cause problems for kids is that they have become so used to what they view on their smart phones or their PCs flashing by that they really do expect life to be happening that quickly. For many of them it comes as a shock to learn that it takes time to for things to happen, that can’t just click their fingers and have it all there laid out for them. At some time this quest for speed must come to a stop; not just so we can all but catch up, but simply because we are not able to work so fast ourselves anyway. How will so many of them manage then I wonder.

There was show on telly last week called, The Truth About Calories. I found it interesting but also a tad puzzling too. The average adult male is supposed to take in 2500 calories each day, but as with all such statements, that word average is a problem for many folk. An active 30 year old man who works on a building site or in heavy industry, will need to take in far more than that. Another 30 year old man who sits at a desk all day every day, will need to take in fewer calories. It’s finding the balance isn’t it, and that is really the answer and is a problem for many of us.

That made me jump! Yet another bird strike on the kitchen window. We seem to be getting them quite often just lately. I shall be looking for some sort of sticker to try to stop it, or at least cut the numbers down. Oh yes, Kile’s bird box does have a pair of robins nested in there. I think the female is now sitting on eggs cos t’ther one is flying back and for with food for her. Kile is very happy about that.  

Today’s photo is another old one … 

Bull finch at Pennington Flash.

And today’s funny …

According to a news story, if global warming continues, in 20 years the only chance we’ll have to see a polar bear is in a zoo. So in other words, nothing is going to change.

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