3 November 2010
My feeling about Ian Smith was correct; it was Dave's mate. The local free paper has printed a photo of him. I didn't know him very well really but I when he used to come round here for parties he always seemed a nice guy chap. Dave would be really upset by his death. A great loss for his wider circle of friends.
The parking wars continue in Dorktown. The 6th form college is just off the town centre and the students have been blocking the whole of the surrounding streets with their cars. When challenged they have turned abusive and made threats to the residents who live in the area. Now the Head teacher at the college is making excuse for them and asking that the new parking wardens due to start work next week will not be applying the new rules too harshly. Tuff luck on them say!
It's raining well here today and its forecast to continue until dinner time. Rain doesn't worry me all that much really. We need it and that's that! There are places that really need it now so it's not worth moaning about is it. The weather I don't like at all is the ice and snow. It's of no use to anyone really. I suppose it'a all part of nature though.
My NaNoWriMo effort is ongoing and is now up to 9960 words. I've named it Finding Our Way but I think I shall have to find another title for it. The last few weeks I have been struggling with my writing and couldn't figure out where to take Happyman next. Now I feel a lot better over it and I think I shall be getting back to Happyman soon. But now I have to start to search for new idea and story line for later ;-)))
In this morning's post there was a letter for my mother. She's in a nursing home suffering from advanced dementia. Last time we saw her she could hardly speak. For ages now she hasn't had a clue what had happened 5 minutes ago. Yet this letter has arrived with a form which the company expects her to fill in and post back to them. The company who sent it out is the one who took over the home from, Southern Cross when it went to the wall a few months ago. They are asking questions like, "How do you find the nursing care? Is the food up to standard? Are there enough staff on duty? Are you happy with the way you are treated?" Ye gods! How do they expect her to fill that in? And how do they expect me to do so as well? We don't visit her enough to be able to make a real judgement. My worry is that we are not visiting her enough really. But they've asked us not to because it isn't worth it. I don't know the answer, I really don't.
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