Friday 5 February 2016

I'm very tired ...


I first read 2001: A Space Odyssey early in the 1970s, and seen the film more times than I can count. It was on telly over Christmas again, so I recorded it and watched it again. After that I got the book on me kindle and began read it again. As normal I came across parts which I had forgotten about, like the part after Hal had gone crazy and let out of the ship, very clever computer is Hal. After the surviving crew members saves himself, there’s a brief outline of what aliens look like, the supposed latest thinking of the day when the ship was launched, even if it might have been a real picture.

I was sat in the Chase Hotel last night eating fish n chips and reading 2001 at the same time, and a thought struck me as to what ET might actually look like. That thought I had to trust to memory cos I didn’t have a notebook with me; and a miracle happened when I got home, I remembered it. That thought was as simple as it is daft. Perhaps ET has been seen and photographed, at least in North America; could it be possible that Bog Foot and the yeti are ETs paying us a visit? See, simple and daft, just like I said. Of course, such a thought asks even more questions than it answers. But I thought it worthwhile recording it on here anyway.

Our original plan for last night was to sit and have a meal and a couple of pints of diet coke. We choose the Chase cos it was the closest pub to us. What we hadn’t thought about was the number of people there, also for a night out, and then the added draw of a rugby match on telly too. The noise level was fairly high, in fact too high for us to be comfortable. It’s the advancement of years my friends, that’s all it is. We can’t stand the noise these days; and remember, Jan has lost around 75% of her hearing too.

Kile called in here after school sports club so Jan could take him home. It seems that the bus service is all over the place at that time and he would either not be able to get home, or if he did, he would be very late. Anyway, he couldn’t believe the state of our place when he got here. At least he can now see why we can’t have him here overnight on Thursdays as we said could, and the same for weekends too. I had the bright idea yesterday that seeing as Kile likes dinosaurs and fossils, we perhaps might be able to take him to Oxford to have a look around the Pitt Rivers Museum. He’s already been to the Natural History Museum in London which he enjoyed, apart from the T/rex which was moving and roaring. That had him a tad upset. I wish we could take him to somewhere where he could find his own fossils though.

We are both looking forward to a lie-in tomorrow morning, these early mornings are doing us no good at all. We were up at 7.30 again today and the plasterers didn’t get here until 8.45. This was all part of the reason why we didn’t want the work to happen; the stress involved isn’t doing me a lot of good at all. However, we finally agreed to it and I shall have to put up with it. Last night I was so tired that I fell asleep while I was reading, not a good idea really. Jan disturbed me and I put the book away and settled straight away. The next thing I know is the alarm going off at 7.30.

I’m not too happy with Yahoo at the moment. I do have a Yahoo email address but I don’t use it much, if at all. Part of the reason for that is that whenever I try to use it, it won’t recognise my user name and password. It started again yesterday afternoon and I got a bit annoyed with it again. Thing is though, I need it sort to access my Flikr page. My pro account has run out and I need to renew it, but of course, if I can’t access Yahoo, I can’t get on my photo stream … and then the whole silly game goes around in a circle.

Which actually leads me on to today’s photo …

I got this one in town opposite Wilkinsons. It’s quite clear that the couple were together, and yet just look at that gap between them. The younger lass is playing on her phone instead of taking any notice of the lass she was pushing in the wheelchair. I have to be honest here and say that I was more than a little angry with that. For some time I used to push Jan in her wheelchair and it never occurred to me not to include her in everything that I was doing and what was going on around us. That young lass was being a total ass!

And so to today’s funny …

 One day a salesman dropped in to see a business customer. He found that the office was deserted except a big dog emptying wastebaskets. The salesman stared at the animal, wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. Just then, the dog looked up and said, "Don't be surprised, sir this is all part of my job."
"That's simply incredible!" muttered the man. "I can't believe it! I'm must tell your boss what a fantastic asset he has in you — a dog that is able to talk!"
"No, no, please don't do that" said the dog. "If my boss finds out I that can talk, he'll make me answer the phones as well as clean the office."

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