Sunday 2 August 2015

The smell of the printed word

2 August

Sunday morning and all’s well. Something like that was called out in the streets by criers employed to do so. Not sure how it would work these though, what with double glazing and so on. Not that double glazing is all that good at cutting down on sound. Last night there was a lot shouting going on out the front, but we couldn’t make what it was about. Never mind eh, it’s not happening right now.

Have you seen those patterned colouring books that a lot of folks are keen on? It’s not for me at all; I don’t have the patience for it. I bought Jan one the other day and she loves it, so does Kile. I did notice he didn’t do very much at one sitting though, and neither did Jan. Last evening Jan told me why. It’s the pens I bought for her as well; there’s a stronger smell of solvent coming off them. Who’dar thunk it eh? Smelly pens, well, well, well.

But it’s not just pens though is it. A lot of readers claim they love the smell of new books. I have to admit that I too like the smell of new books, and new magazines too. However, not all readers do like it. There are letters in the pages of the current issue of Digital Cameras that discuss the issue. It seems that not all folks do like the smell of new mags. Last month someone was saying that the smell for the mag was making feel rather unwell. Well, I suppose it can do that to some people, but how can printers change things to make them smell less, or perhaps even illuminate it altogether. Of course there will be some who will miss the smell. It’s the old saying yet again, ‘You can’t please everyone all the time …’

Here in Dorktown we have a branch of The Works, a cheap book/stationary store. I quite like the place. On Friday I was in there and bought three books for a £4.99, a long term offer they on. I bought them because I saw a Stephen King I haven’t read; so I added two new writers to make up the offer. When I got home I looked at the page counts and for a fiver I bought just short of 2,000 pages. That has to be good value surely. I shall find out when I come to read them of course.

Right now I am reading The Return of the King, the last of Tolkien series. I’m finding it a tad heavy going at the moment. Perhaps the easier style of Game of Thrones is causing it. Whatever, I shall finish it. My current reading plan will take me right up to Crimble I think, but if not, The Works is there, so is Smudges and Waterstones. I’m sure I won’t run out of things to read; and I am definitely not short of things to write either. All I need to do with that is to get me finger out and get on with it.

Today’s photo … 

Another view from Barmouth harbour wall.

Today’s funny …

 When the Old Testament was done, they started the New Testament. Jesus was the Star. He was born in a barn in the town of Bethlehem. I wish I had been born in a barn, too, because then, when my mother says to me, "Close the door. Were you born in a barn?" I could say, "As a matter of fact, I was."         

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