Friday, 31 October 2014

Lost kit, another record for the weather and a mighty BANG!!!

31 October

We’ve spent a lot of time looking everywhere in this flat for the items that have been lost. My black KATA camera and all the bits in there, my blue badge as well as the batteries and filter that have gone missing. The black bag is never taken out, it’s far too big and bulky for me to use on a daily basis. The bag itself isn’t all that valuable as such seeing as it was a freebie when I took out a subscription for a photo mag; however, it was useful for storing kit we weren’t using very often. I had a Sony flash gun in there, some spare batteries for it too, as well as the charger for them. Now it’s gone and we are puzzled as to why.

I’m sure you don’t need reminding what the today’s date signifies, after all, the telly and papers are full of spooky things. We won’t be taking part in it in anyway and we will be locking our block door just after five pm today. But the temperature outside is currently up to 230C, a new record for the UK. What a shame we don’t have any reason for going out, ah well … … …

Did you see the story on the news the fireworks warehouse that caught fire last night? Fifty fire fighters working to control it, four people in hospital, two critical, two more missing and one 53 year old man arrested. I actually hate the idea of fireworks being sold to the general public but no-one in power will do anything about it. I’m hoping that this fire will provide the push for there to be ban on them.

How will this fire help? Easy, stores sell them but where do the stores get their stock? That’s right, from warehouses like that one. If only licenced operators could get hold of them, the need for town centred warehouses would disappear. Licenced operators would be required to visit a place of manufacture in a suitable modified vehicle to collect their supplies. Can you hear the cries of rage at this suggestion? I can, that’s why it will not happen, far too much money involved in the whole industry.

Something else comes to mind though; did the council know what was being stored there? They do have a responsibility to ensure they uses of such units are legal and being used correctly and in accordance with healthy and safety laws. I can see this one dragging on for some time yet; even more so if the two missing people are found to have died in it!

No firework photos but how about this one … 

One of the light displays at Walsall Illuminations years ago.

And a funny …

“Excuse me sir,” said the man to one of the stewards on an Amtrak Train, “I always get nauseous when I go on trains, so I am going to to take a heavy sleeping pill, but please do whatever you can to make sure I get off when it stops in Baltimore. I really don’t want to miss my great aunt’s funeral.” “Sure thing!” said the steward happily, we’ll make you sure you get off!” Six hours later the train stopped in Washington D.C. and the man jumped out of his seat in a panic, “WHAT THE HECK! I ASKED YOU TO WAKE ME UP IN BALTIMORE!” “Oh boy! He looks mad!” Remarked the fellow behind him to his wife. “Not half as mad as that other guy they carried off back in Baltimore.” She whispered back.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

A lost ad, checking FB items before sharing and a new malt

30 October

For a long time I have been looking for a bottle of Singleton malt whiskey; yesterday I found one at Tesco Arena while out shopping yesterday. Obviously, I snaffled one of the two bottles on display even though I have half a bottle of Ardmore beside me. That’s set up now until well into next year.

Over the last week I read an ad for a camera mag that I fancied taking up. The offer was for one off payment of £84 you get a year’s print subscription of Digital Camera along with a year subscription to the online version, a year of Photography Weekly, a DVD of Teach Yourself Photography and one of those bookmags that are popular right now. I didn’t take up the offer because the online version was for iPad/iPhone, with no mention of Android devices. But guess what? I can’t find the damned ad now! I wonder how many other things will go missing, we still haven’t found those batteries and filter yet either.

One of my FB friends posted something on there yesterday saying that a case of ebola had been found in Dorktown and the patient was in the Hussy being treated. Jan pointed it out to me so when I went online and had a look I followed a link to the story which took me to a story of a case in Stratford on Avon. It shows how blindly sharing item on FB might cause panic in some users.

FB is OK, as long as you remember not to take everything on there as being the truth. I shared one about a poppy seller who was supposedly kicked out of a supermarket into the cold outside by an uncaring manager. I hadn’t check it out properly first. The truth of it was that the British Legion had been offered a pitch either inside or outside the store; RBL went for the outside option. Maybe the manager involved might have handled it more sensitively, but it does show how easy it is to get things wrong on there. It also shows that we can’t take anything on there as being 100% truthful!

Photo time ... 

Jan in oggy.   

Today’s funny …

 The poor man was such a habitual drinker that even he was finally convinced that he was an alcoholic . At his family’s urging he went to see a psychiatrist. After a lengthy consultation, the doctor sternly ordered that hereafter, every time the patient got drunk he was to report his transgression the very next day. A few days later the patient staggered into the psychiatrist’s office. “I wanna report that I wash drunk last night,” he mumbled. “For heaven’s sake, man, you’re drunk right now! ”cried the doctor. “Yeah I know,” said the patient, “but I’m gonna report this tomorrow.”
The poor man was such a habitual drinker that even he was finally convinced that he was an alcoholic . At his family’s urging he went to see a psychiatrist. After a lengthy consultation, the doctor sternly ordered that hereafter, every time the patient got drunk he was to report his transgression the very next day. A few days later the patient staggered into the psychiatrist’s office. “I wanna report that I wash drunk last night,” he mumbled. “For heaven’s sake, man, you’re drunk right now! ”cried the doctor. “Yeah I know,” said the patient, “but I’m gonna report this tomorrow.”

Read more at: undefined | Great Clean Jokes

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Instant choice, Virgin Media and a cold drunk

29 October

Yes, I know I’m late with this one. I took it me ‘ead to go out for a couple of hours at the same time I thought about writing this. So, both of us went out to Tesco Arena for some shopping, then we called into a pub in Bulkington for a pint and into the Anker for another one. Jan is just off to take Sam shopping so I’m all alone by mesen … altogether now … aaaaahhhhhhhh … … …

We have been with Virgin for our land lines, mobiles, TV and broadband for as long as I can remember, and without any real problems at all. While we were away Jan bought herself £20 roaming package, is that the tem? She got a text to say that she was getting near to the limit while we were away. But imagine her surprised two days ago when they blocked her phone access. Jan spent an hour on the phone to them trying to get it sorted. Eventually they did get it sorted, once they got over the script they have to stick to. All done and dusted then?

Well, not at all! I went to point Percy in the Chequers and when I got back I could see Jan wasn’t a happy camper at all. They’ve only gone and blocked her phone access again. That seems to be the main problem with Virgin; once they start messaging around they are for ever doing so. After all these years of no hassle we now have all this going on. Of course, most of the comparison websites put Virgin at the top of the list for their all-in package, and from what I’ve seen the only one we can go to now is BT, and that is really crap for reports I’ve had and read. We can’t have Sky cos the council won’t allow it the satellite dish on the building, and we’d need a BT landline to get the broadband. We shall see I suppose.

So then, today’s photo … 

I found this in the aquarium.

And funny time …

‘Bob’s Tavern’ was right next door to a cemetery. One day in mid winter a drunk stumbled out of the tavern. Due to his drunk state he wasn’t careful where he was going and he fell into a freshly dug grave. “Help!” Screamed the drunk on the top of his lungs, “I’m freezing!” Before long another drunk sauntered out of the tavern and made his way towards the first drunk’s cries. “I’m freezing!” Screamed the first drunk again. “Of course you are” scolded the second drunk, coming closer. “You kicked off all of the dirt they had covered you with!”