Thursday, 5 January 2012

Sad times again ...

5 January 2012

Me n my big mouth ... well, typing fingers at least!  Yesterday I report about the finding of a body in a car.  This morning Jan had a phone call from Kile's nan asking if we can have him over the weekend.  It seems that the lady who was killed was a big friend of Kile's mum.  She is very upset about it all and her mum is there helping out but they've cried for help with Kile over the weekend.  Of course we're going to have him; we're always happy to have at any time but at times like this how could we say "No!"  Sad time for all concerned.

I finally got the printing done yesterday.  A ride around town allowed me to get what little bit of shopping we needed and then I realized that I didn't have the USB stick with me.  So it was a ride home and then back out to Cawthorns.  A total of 157 pages to be read now.  Jan made a start yesterday and once she is done I'll go through it too.  Then I can let it go on Kindle.

So there are now worries that the changes to housing benefits are going to make more and more people homeless ... well woppy-de-do-da!  What do you expect from a Tory lead government?  Surly not fairness and understanding?  No one can be that naive can they?  Tory doctrine is simply this, "If you can't afford it, you can't have it!  And to make sure you can't we'll change the rules to prove it!"  There is no thought given to anybody who can't afford the basics of life, like a roof over their heads.  And make sure you have a very large truck full of salt with you when you here that they are making other things cheaper so that there is no overall increase in costs.  They point to a reduction in the level of duty in fuel, but forget that they have added 2.5% on VAT with is payable on fuel.  But even so the figures quoted on the BBC News locally said that there is likely to be a £10 to £20 increase in rents per week.  No reduction in fuel duty is going to be able to wipe out such a rent rise.  And if they think that landlords are going to lower rents to cover the drop, then it's the government who is being naive!  We had the same in the 1980s when Mad Maggie was in power.  The only difference today is the Daft David has a pair of balls between his legs but chooses not to use them to stand up for decency and fairness!

At long last two have been sentenced for killing Stephen Lawrence.  It's a great pity that it's taken so long for it to happen.  No matter what those two say, they will never convince me that they were innocent  in regards that killing.  Time now to go after the others.  I wonder how long it will be before we see them in court too?  I hope it won't be as long as that pair.

Yesterday I heard Stephen Lawrence being called 'an 18 year old boy'.  Surely that should now be "a 18 year old man'?  At what point does a young person cease being a boy or girl and become a man or woman?  They are all teenagers until they are 20 anyway.  Just something that puzzles me ... one of the many things that puzzle me ;-)))

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