Saturday, 28 January 2012

ATMs, phone calls and emails

28 January 2012

Saturday is here again; it's also the last one in January ... where do the weeks go?  Being Saturday I have rely on the Dorktown Telegraph (it's the Coventry Telegraph really with the name changed to make it fit in better here in Dorktown).  Front page story has a photo of a wrecked shop wall where an ATM once stood and huge great big digger that was used to pinch the ATM.  No indication as to how much they got away with though.

Jaguar Cars have always been special, to me they have anyway.  At the site of the Jaguar car plant at Brown's Lane Coventry there's a museum which houses about 120 of them.  The car plant itself is no more, demolished after TATA pulled the company out of Coventry.  Now there's a fight on to save the museum.  Some nutter wants to pull it down to build houses for Pete's sake!  Ye Gods!  What are they thinking of ... if they are thinking that is.

Police cuts are hitting hard all over the country but it is claimed that traffic cops are being hit hardest with a 4% drop in numbers.  But I tell you what, I can't remember the last time I saw a beat bobby in Dorktown during the day!   
Did you know that Acker Bilk is 83 today?  Well he is, according the Telegraph that is.  I like his music and that of Kenny Ball too.  I remember seeing the Kenny Ball Jazz Band live at an event in 1974 at Steeple Ashton airfield while my unit were on exercise there.  Very good they were too.

We've knocked off for the day now but we are slowly moving back into the front room from the back room.  I've always wanted to live out here because its more private, so we tried it and that it was indeed more private but we didn't have anywhere near as much room as we did on the front.  So we're moving back, but not rushing doing it.  Only the two telly's to swap and get my orthopaedic recliner moved back in there to go now.  We'll both be glad when we are done though.  For now I'll make do with arm chair in there.

My copy of Writer's Forum arrived during the week.  As usual its full of hints, tips and news for us writers.  But I got to thinking while reading it and what it was saying about pitching ideas for articles and short stories and ensuring you get the right title for your piece.  Well, I don't do short stories, so that's that one dealt with!  But what about articles.  I sat thinking about what magazines I actually read.  There's Amateur Photographer; Writer's Forum; Writing Magazine; Bird Watching; Total TV; and probably one or two other photo-mags that I but on a ad hock basis.  I'm not knowledgeable enough to write for any of these and as I wouldn't be looking at most other mags, I wonder just how useful that advice really is to me.  Ah well ... ... ...

But coming back to reading ... what is your reading speed?  Mine is fairly slow.  I've just timed myself reading two pages from Writer's Forum and one took 7 minutes 8 seconds, the other was 6 seconds shorter.  So here we are reading these writing mags and they keep on giving advice about reading this, reading that, doing this then read some more ... ... ...  Just when are we supposed to actually 'write'.

For today's photo I have chosen a different view of Coventry's old Cathedral ...

Nothing from the Sage today so here's another from in dad-in-law (slightly altered and added to).

Opportunity used to knock.  Now it rings up or sends an email!                     

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