Monday, 2 January 2012

And so we start all over again ...

2 January 2012

Nothing for yesterday I'm afraid, we were busy elsewhere.  If you'd like to read about it, have a look at  It tells of all our dirty deeds in Norfolk so I won't repeat it all here as well ;-)))
Here it is, Holiday Monday and we've just had a scrap metal crew driving up the street calling out for scrap.  Just what we need today eh?  Most of these crews are operating outside the law by not having the correct licences for handling waste so we should never given them anything.  £1 to a pinch of salt they are all claiming benefits too!

I'm sat here typing this and watching the News on the BEEB at the same time.  There are two issues that make me very angry at times.  When Mad Maggie was in power she two national groups which should have been left well alone.  The first one was British Rail.  Yes, it had a lot wrong with it and needed a lot of money invested in it, but instead of doing that she sold it off to the highest bidder!  Now we have the tax payer paying god knows how much to keep it going at the same time that passengers are paying more and more to use the service.  It's time it became either a private of a publicly owned service.  At the minutes its neither but shareholders are racking in loads of dosh from it, dosh pay for by tax payers!  It's not on and needs sorting.

The other  one is the water companies.  There is no logical reasons at all for why they should have been sold off except for party dogma and perhaps to raise dosh.  Let's face it, Mad Maggie had to fund her retirement pension somehow!  We may never know how she did so but I would put nothing past that woman.  Now it seems we are paying £15 a year on our water bills to cover the non-payment by a large number of users.  If by some miracle they suddenly paid up, what's the betting that we would get a reduction of or a refund of our £15 in excess charges?  Yeah, you don't believe so either then! 

We've just sat and watched the latest version of Race to Witch Mountain with Dwayne Johnson in it.  I have to say that it is a much better version than the sickly-sweet tame versions that have preceded it.  It's well worth a watch for a one off.  As a sci-fi fan I like anything like that.  One day I will get my sci-fi story finished ready for publication one day.  Right now my mind is still so full of other stuff that I can't get to grips with it at all.

The News will back tomorrow I hope.  It will be interesting to see what has been going on locally over the last few days. 

Oh yes ... the Rochdale Sage has been in touch again.  I'd forgotten about this one until yesterday.  But think about it folks ... the cops step up the anti drink drive campaign in the run up to Crimble.  Keep that in mind as you read the following ...

The Police officer, having patiently waited all this time, now started up the patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over and carried out a random breathalyser test.

To his amazement the breathalyser indicated no evidence of the man's intoxication.

The Police officer said "I'll have to ask you to accompany me to the Police station - this breathalyser equipment must be broken."

"I doubt it," said the man, "tonight I'm the designated decoy"  

And a Happy New Year to you all               

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