19 January 2012
The News is a good bit better today. There's the front page story of a lady who chased a robber who tried robber her by using a meat clever - plucky lady that. The editorial calls for the 'psycho' to be caught. Yes, I agree he should be. But the cops hard work will be undone by the courts and mamby-pamby magistrates and judges who will no doubt let him out onto the streets again so he can strike fear into innocent people even more.
That incident happened in Atherstone but the story that concerns us all in this area of North Warwickshire is about the concerns that a county councillor has over the plans for the Hussy Hospital. There is still talk about moving the children's and maternity services to the Walsgrave in Coventry. Along with that is the ongoing search for a partner for the Hussy so it can become a foundation trust hospital. What I didn't know is that all hospitals if they have not become a foundation trust by 2014, then will close - according to article in the News. If the children's and maternity units do move then it's even less likely that the Hussy will find a partner and that will lead to its closure. Sad enit? But hang on a bit, it gets better! If the Hussy closes then all its services will move to the Walsgrave. Two things will become apparent from that. The first is that the Hussy has swallowed up millions of pounds in tax payers dosh as it is right now, all that will be lost or wasted. But of more interest to patients and visitors is that right now the Walsgrave can't manage its parking problems at peak times with patients and visitors being turned away. I reported on this the other day. How much worse will it be if the Hussy is closed and all of those patients, staff and visitors try to get in there as well? It doesn't bare thinking about does it? The biggest obstacle to finding a partner at the mount if the lack of clarity in what is happening from the Arden group of NHS Trusts who will make the decision - if it hasn't already been made that is! With all this in mind I have chosen today's picture which is of the statue at the entrance of the Hussy hospital.
It is meant to show the NHS ethos of life time care from cradle to grave. Right now that is looking like a sick joke!
All I can say is that I'm hoping I won't be around here once it's all sorted.
I have decided to leave Happyman for a time and crack on with the House of Pain follow up, which current has a working title of 18 Months Later. I got chapter two done yesterday which has added another 3000 words to it. That You Can Write a Novel gift box I got yesterday is OK but it seems that it is based around the idea of getting a story idea, working it all out by planning it from start to finish before writing it. Sorry, I don't work that way. I have no idea what my characters are likely to do until the time comes ... in detail that is. I know that the coppers involved will investigate the murders, that's their job enit ... but how they go about it not so clear until it happens. I like being surprised when a new thought come to mind as I write and I can include it within the story without any changes to while story.
It's time to hear what the Rochdale sage has to say ...
Ever wondered what the difference between Grannies and Grandads is?
5 year old granddaughter is usually taken to school, daily, by her grandfather.
When he had a bad cold his wife took the grandchild.
That night she told her parents that the ride to school with granny was
"What made it different?" asked her parents:
"Gran and I didn't see a single t**ser, blind bastard, dick-head, Asian
prick or w**ker anywhere on the way to school today!'
5 year old granddaughter is usually taken to school, daily, by her grandfather.
When he had a bad cold his wife took the grandchild.
That night she told her parents that the ride to school with granny was
"What made it different?" asked her parents:
"Gran and I didn't see a single t**ser, blind bastard, dick-head, Asian
prick or w**ker anywhere on the way to school today!'
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