Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Tesco is here to stay!

4 October 2011

Love them or hate them, Tesco are here to stay it seems.  For me they are more expensive than Asda though.  Anyway, Dorktown used to have a Tesco.  It was on Queens Road.  At that time you had a choice of either Tesco or the co-op for shopping.  Worries were expressed when Tesco then opened a new store a few miles up the road in Bedworth.  Dorktown was promised that their Tesco would not close because of the opening of the new store.  Most people didn't believe them and they were right not to.  The Dorktown store closed about 2 years later.  It's now a MacDonald's.  Now even the Bed'th store is closed but will soon reopen as new £27m super store.  Now here's the rub ... yet again there's another Tesco a few miles up the road at the Ricoh arena.  So will that now close?  You can't trust Tesco!

But it's not just Tesco is it?  Little Chef opened several restaurants in and around the town.  One of them was on the A444 beside a large industrial estate.  They threatened the council.  "Close all the mobile cafes or we pull out!"  The council bottled it and closed them.  A few years later Little Chef sold their place to a different restaurant.  Our council has no balls it seems!

We were out last Saturday on Market day and we found our way blocked yet again ...

Then when we arrive in town we had to detour around this lot ...

Drawing teeth was easier than getting them to move a wee bit so we can get by.  Typical Dorktown that.   
 One time I heard a woman moaning about disabled scooters.  "I hate those damned scooters," she mutterer.  Some one answered "And I hate inconsiderate intolerant women pushing push chairs!"  She wasn't happy about that either.

My first book, "The Mission," looks good.  I ordered two copies, one for me and one for our daughter and it doesn't seem to have any faults that I can find.  However, the Kindle file version is full of them!  I've been informed that the conversion from either a Word doc or a PDF file is not very reliable.  I could pay $69 and it would be done for me without errors.  But why should I have to pay extra for it?  My worry though is that it will look bad on me as the writer because of the faults which are not mine!

Jan is having her feet butchered at the moment and then we can go out for an hour or so.  Maybe a ride down the park to do some snapping.  Should be good.  Then I can show you what some of the nice areas of Dorktown look like.   


  1. Hi, I understand totally about driving a mobility scooter as i ride one myself. I have had people moan at me as i drive them into the shops as i cannot walk at all. It gets on my nerves. Example of moany people. Today in town people were getting off the bus, so i waited and waited and these two women just stood in the way. My daughter turned round and said 'Mum just push through if they not going to be considerate and move.' The women gave me such a dirty look and did move but swore at me and my daughter as we went through. Its not our fault we have to use these scooters, like its not our fault there are narrow minded people in the world. I love the fact that my wonderful daughter sticks up for me.

  2. It's not good is it? I know Rugby has had a real problem with some scooter riders who have made life hard for all the others. What worries me slightly is that does seem to be a hardening of attitude against the disabled in some areas, Rigby being one of them.

  3. I live in Ramsgate, Kent. Its not to bad here but we do get the odd person here and there to complain. There are some lunatics riding the scooters to. I remember going to pick kids up from school, and an elderly lady came right up behind me tooting her horn, i didnt move as i thought she was being very rude. Anyway she was only going around the corner. She overtook me and went dead fast and hit the gate, it swang open and nearly knocked an eldery man over. I always go slowish on my scooter, well walking speed they call it as i always have the kids in tow. It annoys me that some people abuse the scooters and give us disabled people a bad name.
