Sunday, 2 October 2011

Sunday morning ...

2 October 2011

It's Sunday morning; Jan is getting ready to go to church; I've just finished for reading the Sunday Express; the sun is shining and its hot outside yet again; and I'm staying at home for a change.  There's not much happening in Dorktown on Sundays that why I normally go off for the day either birding or just driving around taking photos.  For once I will have a Sunday off and stay in.  Hopefully I might get something done on Happyman.  Last time I looked at it all I could was plain white surrounded by blue of the Word Doc page!  Very unusual for me.  Mind you, I was trying to work while Jan was playing with her new Kindle ... I should have known better I suppose.  My Sony Reader is now on charge and I have found one instance where the Kindle scores over it.  The kindle can be used while it is being changed - the Sony can't.  And on the subject of reading ...

I've just finished Tom Clancy's latest effort Against all Enemies which wasn't bad really but I am left wondering just how much of it he wrote.   There's a guy named Peter Telep on the cover as well as Clancy.  The book itself is about the conflict in Afghanistan and the Taliban joining forces with Mexican drug cartels in an attack on the US.  If I had a grip about it, the ending felt a bit rushed to me.  It's also open for a follow up too so maybe that's why.  Prior to Against all Enemies he released the second of the Jack Ryan Jr stories called Dead or Alive, again with a co-writer, Grant Blackwood this time.  The first one was called Teeth or the Tiger and to be blunt, it was crap!  perhaps that's why he now has a co-writer.  But inside the rear cover there is a facebook URL -  which I shall be visiting soon cos I have a few questions for Mr Clancy - like where is the follow up to The Bear and the Dragon?  It does seem strange that he would leave his main characters hanging in the air the way he did with that one.  After all, they had earned him a lot of dosh and are the reason why his so widely read now.  Again it was wide open for a follow up.  Perhaps the flying crap over  Teeth or the Tiger sent him into a hissy-fit.  I don't know but I will be asking.      

I'm also reading a serious of books called The View From the Mirror by Ian Irvine.  This is well worth the price paid for them!  It's a sort of sci-fi series that isn't if you like.  A story of three worlds, of magic, sorcery, treachery and love.  I bought the first one A Shadow on the Glass on holiday in Antrim last year.  I've just finished number two The Tower on the Rift.  Give it a go folks, it's great.  

According to the Sunday Express £42m in child benefit is being sent abroad by migrant workers here in the UK.  It seems that because they work here they can claim the benefit even though their kids are still living back in their home country.  I don't know about you but I think there is something very immoral about it.  It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. 

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