28 October 2011
According to both the BBC news and today's Dorktown news, the George Eliot Hospital is not a good place to be if you're ill. It seems that over 1200 people died there after receiving treatment - 400+ more than expected. The hospital tops the UK charts for such deaths. However, in the last 5 years I have 4 emergency admissions there for angina attacks and I can't rate the care I received highly enough!
Have you been watching the fun and games over the Euro? It's expected that banks who have loaned Greece money will be willing to take a 50% loss on their loans. OK, 50% of a £3000 car loan isn't a lot as an individual loan but a lot to such loans soon mounts up. But we are not talking of a 3 grand car loan are we? We're talking of millions and millions of £s and Euros, perhaps even billions! I can see some of the banks refusing this. And what happens if say Barclays agrees but HSBC doesn't? Or all banks in the UK do agree after pressure from Downing Street but then the French or Italian or some other countries banks refuse? And remember, some of these smaller eastern European countries are themselves struggling. I can still see the Euro failing before long - the one good thing that the Tories have done was to keep us out of it.
All the quotes are in for our car and Jan is off to get them in ready for us to get the car done. Motability have been in touch to say that the car is due for its MOT before it gets handed back to the them in mid-December. We're hoping the pub won't renege on its agreement to pay for the damage. After that Jan will go and pick up Kile and I shall be getting the oven ready for him to go in. I normally can't manage a full child for Friday dinner but I'll make a special effort for him ;-)))
My back is really bad today. Yesterday afternoon we tried moving the furniture about again. I have one those reclining armchairs and because it is so large and heavy when moved to the back room we didn't bother moving it as well as all the rest of the stuff. But I've been missing it and finding it harder as time went by getting up out of the ordinary chair I was using. So we decided that we would have a go. My chair can be taken apart and moved in two bits which made it easier than we thought but Jan then decided that she wanted the other sofa through as well ... opps ... far too big to get through the doorway between the two rooms. So having moved the sofa from in here to the front to make room for t'ther one, we than had to move it back out here. The result is very bad back pain and lots of paracetamol (spelling?) being taken. At least I am now comfortable when sitting and getting up.
The weather is nice and bright and sunny and due to stay that way. So I'll be cleaning my Sony and going off out on the scooter for a ride around and see what I can shot today. Talking of which ... yesterday I reported that my letter to the local rag. Well, yesterday evening I looked at the Dorktown Tribune and found they had reprinted a number of photos from their Fikcer page and one of mine was there!
They've called it Ship but I don't remember naming it anything when I posted it on there. Whatever, it's good to see it there for everyone to see.
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