Saturday 24 September 2011

How daft can you get with only one head?!!!

24 September

Saturday is market day here in Dorktown.  Like all street markets its busy and crowed.  So what possesses some morons to try get through there on roller skates?  And why for the life of me some people seem to think it's OK to walk huge great through there I don't know.  But hang on a minute ... how about a roller-skater with a huge great dog?  Yes, that's what I saw today.  She wasn't happy when I kept looking at her so asked, "What are you looking at?"  "I'm not looking at anything," I replied, "I'm looking for something."  "Like what?"  "Like your second head - cos no-one can be daft enough to come to the market on skates and dragging a dog too and only have one head!"  There was mixture of laughing and abuse but at the lass at least went off out of town.

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