Wednesday, 21 September 2011

BBC only!

21 September 2011

Today's Dorktown News as always for a Wednesday has a pull-out property section in the middle of it.  I always look at that first; not because I'm looking for a new house here in Dorktown but because I want to know how much this house we are now might be worth.  The price differs from agent to agent as well depending on the area.  Currently our 'type' of house (a three bed roomed late Victorian terraced house), is listed between £85k and £110k.  It's difficult to work out how they work their prices.  For example, here's one in the our street with 2 bedrooms with a bathroom upstairs going for £106k.  Another one just opposite has three bedrooms with a downstairs bathroom for £97k.  So where does that leave ours then?  We have three bedrooms, a downstairs bathroom AND an upstairs loo and shower room.  I suppose we won't know until we call an agent in to value it.

So then, what else is happening in Dorktown today?  Well there's two crims on the run that the cops are looking for; there's an ongoing problem with 'travellers' across the area (just as all over the UK); and 360 people have been taken to court for not buying a TV licence - oh dear-how sad-what a pity-never mind!  As you can see I'm full of sympathy for them.  The funds raise go solely to the BBC and I do object to that consider the crap they tend to broadcast overall but we do have to have a licence by law and that its it - end of story! 

My first book, The Mission (Ron G. Clark), is now available from as a paperback and on Kindle.  Here's the URL ... it's very long so it might be better to cut and paste it if the link doesn't work ...  

My next one, House of Pain is being proofed right now and will be available in the same way as soon as I can do so.

Tomorrow we are planning a birding trip to Slimbridge WWT.  We're members of the trust and it's been some time since we last went there.  It should be a good, it usually is anyway. Hopefully we should add a good few to our year list while we're there.                     

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