Sunday 2 March 2014

DSA, films, and music

2 March

It seems I made a bit of a cock up yesterday; well, not cock-up as such but a DSA attack really. This was in miss reading the comment about at Joe Louis. He wasn't born in 1949, he retired in 1949. Some mistake eh? I also thought that Jan would claim gold crest and tree creeper at Coombe yesterday, well, she didn't. She didn't see much of anything really. Oh yes - DSA = Dyslexia Strikes Again!

That NetFlix thing is pretty good. We've only used it for around a week and we've watched around 15 films so far. Most of them are what SciFi Channel puts our or Channel five tends to show on weekend afternoon. Those of us of a certain age would probably remember them as the B support film for the main title film at the cinema. Today for instance we've just watched Close Encounters, one of my all time favourite films.

But I've been wondering ... the part of Close Encounters I like best is the music sequence where the 'puter learns to speak Grayling. The theme was written by John Williams, you can hardly not get that from listening to it can you? Here's what I have been thinking though ... just how much does a film rely on its music to instil atmosphere and drama? think about the Parry Hotters, the Jurassic Parks, Star Wars and oh so many more. Would they have been such big box office hits if the music was poor. I remember another film that I saw ages ago which that was rather poor really. Two youngsters out in the mid west killing and robbing, Martin Sheen was in it I think. But what I remember most was the theme music, not the film. See what I mean ... ... ...

And so for a photo ... 

Town Crier bar in Coventry.

Today's funny ...

 In the Pub the other day I was telling that old joke about what you do if you see an epileptic having a fit in the bath.
Answer; throw in your washing.
We were having a laugh about this, when this big bloke tapped me on the shoulder and said "I don't find that very funny. My brother was an epileptic and he died in the bath during one of his fits."
I said "Sorry mate. Did he drown?"
"No," he said, "he choked on a sock."

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