Monday 13 May 2013

Sore throat, lots of ciminals and more planning cock-ups

13 May 2013

Sunny and showers here in Dorktown today.  Tomorrow the forecast for wall to wall rain all day.  So much for spring then!  Good job we don't actually need to go out then, well at least not once Jan's back home from getting a tyre changed at QuickFix.  She went out to get something from her car and noticed just how low the front near side was.  Good job tyres are covered on the Motability scheme.

Kile went home yesterday afternoon feeling pretty ropey.  He'd had a bad night as it was with coughing and so on.  Yesterday Jan had a look at his throat and it was red and swollen.  We gave him a couple of aspirin and let him suck a few Strepsils to try to ease it for him; he wanted to watch Return of the King before we took him home. His mum said she would get him to the GP this morning.  Jan will no doubt call round and see how he is before coming home.  I hope he's OK now.

Did you know that the Probationary Service is being closed and passed on to a private company?  No, neither did I until I saw it in today's News.  The justice minister is claiming that currently the service is not fit for purpose and is not reducing re-offending.  Well, that is something that we all do know about, re-offending I mean.  But no matter what colour government we have in power re-offending will always happen, no matter who is supposed to stop it happening.

There are some people who will always commit crimes no matter what punishment they are given or what efforts are made to prevent them doing so.  An alcoholic has to accept that they have a problem before they can start to beat it.  In many cases the same is true of some criminals.  They don't see their actions as being a problem not only for themselves but for also for their victims.  Another group continue because they just want to.  It's a win-win for them.  They steal to make money; eventually they are caught and sent down;  their families are looked after by the State while they are in jail.  Great life for them!  Why should they change if doing so means they have to get a job and working for a living?  Changing who runs the Probation service won't alter that!

The planning committee has approved the building of a hot food take-away on the grounds of a BP petrol station on Old Hinckley Road.  And yet there is no indication of what sort of take-away it will be.  Serious concerns were raised by a number of councillors about the plan ranging from limited parking, the site being on a very busy road system that includes a one system and the effect it might have on the town centre.  But hang on ... last year planning was given for a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet to be built right opposite this newly planned site.  Did anyone remember that one?  I can see the whole area there becoming a real eye sore as well as being a serious accident zone! 

Another planning blunder is on Coton Road.  There's a large building there on the corner with Riversley Road.  It's called Park House and has been the home of various organisations for many years.  Riversley Road is a one way street off Edward Street to Coton Road and is usually choc-a-block with residents parked cars; add in two busy GP Practices there and perhaps you can see the possible problems even if you don't know the area.  Now throw in the fact that Park House itself doesn't have any parking.  So why on earth has permission been given to allow the Co-op Funeral Service to turn the place into their funeral offices?  I as I head on a recent telly show about planners, "Yet another great British planning cock-up!"

So now it's photo time ... 

a mammoth lower jaw bone found in a gravel pit near the Cotswold Water Park.  This is the bottom of the skull and I don't know why its displayed upside down.  

And a funny ...

Two friends are fishing near a bridge. Suddenly a Hearse and two Funeral Cars go over the bridge so one of the men stands up, takes off his cap and bows his head. When the cars have gone he puts his cap back on, sits back down and carries on fishing. His mate turns to him and says," Dave, that's one of the nicest most respectful things I've ever seen. " Dave replies," Well we were married for nearly 20 years "           

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