Tuesday 22 March 2016

United to be terrorised?

22 March

And so it continues on. Terrorists have attacked two sites in Brussels with devastating effects on human life. This seems to have been expected by the local security services after the arrest of a key suspect in the Paris attacks. This can’t be anything to do with any religion, no matter which one they claim to support, and yet, if they are so sure of their faith, why do always seem to hit such soft targets? Over the years all religions have been just as bad as the current terrorists in the way they have behaved in the past. At least most of them have moved away from the barbaric practices of this current lot.

Whatever and whoever these barbarians are, there seems to be some serious questions aimed at the police and how much they knew and how good their procedures, even back to the incidents in Paris. From what I’ve seen on BBC News 24 each section don’t share information between their own departments, let alone to other European countries, information that might well have prevented the Paris killings. It is here that the falsehood of European security falls apart, and one of the reasons I want out of Europe.

Each nation has its own laws and investigation systems which makes a big difference when anyone is charged in the mainland countries. Want more proof/evidence? Have another look at the case of the missing girl Maddie. The Portuguese cops made a real pigs year of that one! Want more? How about the USA, where 50 separate states have tried to be united? They have a national police force, the FBI and a national currency, the dollar. Defence and external security are dealt with nationally, or federally if you wish. Yet I wouldn’t say that the whole 50 states are fully united, not matter what the president might say. Moving on … 

Our schools are in chaos and will continue to be as time goes on. The government wants all schools to become academies. I’m not sure whether that is a good idea or not, but in Birmingham one school executive has stepped down to concentrate on the education side and not the management side. As he said, ‘I am a head teacher, not a manger.’ This has come about because an inspection that found there were glaring gaps in the management of the schools. Now there is a search on for a new school manager – oh dear …

Can you see what will happen next? Have a look at the NHS where managers and doctors are regularly at odds of treatment and costs. The same will happen with our schools now with our children getting a poorer education in the same way that patients end up with a poorer treatment level. Where will it all end I wonder? What next will go downhill when the need for services that we all need from government, clashes with paying for them. These days it’s not just cutting back on taxpayer money, but also the level of investors premiums need to be made. And so on we go … … …

Today’s photo …


Today’s funny …

Where does a woodsman keep his pigs?
In a hog cabin.

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