Tuesday 11 February 2014

Catching up on telly, reading and buying books

11 February

Yes, I know, I'm late again. Been busy catching up with me recorded progs off telly. A couple more to go but I can get them later. That George Gentle series is good. I wouldn't mind reading some of the books it's based on.

Last night I finished Abducted by Gimenez and began Stephen Kings The Green Mile. From the author's intro I found out that King's wife Tabitha is also a writer. So I had look at her books on Amazon. There doesn't seem to be all that many and she gets mixed reviews, some are very harsh. But one of the bad reviews reminds me of another one I read aimed at a different writer. Both reviews seemed to be similar both in content and format. So I'm now wondering if there are people out there who actually enjoy ripping peoples' work to bits and if that reviewer is one of them. I shall look into that later.

While shopping last Saturday I bought a copy of Grisham's The Summons for £2 from Morrisons. I now have a sneaky feeling that I have already read it. It can be read again anyway but maybe later, not straight away. However,  £2 for a paperback book by a quality writer is a very low price, so I wonder how much Grisham will get in royalties for that one. Last year when I went off to Paignton for a week or so I forgot to pack a book, so I bought two at one of the services stations. Here's the thing - there's a sticker on them that says, 'Buy one, get one half price'. The one I have in front of me is Rankin's The Impossible Dead, I can't remember the other one; well, come on, I've been to sleep a few times since I bought. This Rankin is priced at £7.99, so again I wonder how the royalties are work out on deals like this.

Some time ago I had a list of DVDs we owned on my mobile. That way we could keep an eye on what new ones we bought. We did have over 400 at the time. I'm not thinking of doing the same with my books. Like I said above, I think I've read the Grisham before so having a list would be useful. I can't remember how many times I've bought a new book and when I got home I found out I already had a copy waiting to be read. It's money we can't really afford to spend. Enough of my ramblings ...

Photo time ... 

An empty bench in the City Arcade, Coventry.

And a short funny ...

 My tortoise was mugged by a gang of snails. When I asked him what he remembered about it, he said, "Well, it all happened so fast . . ."    

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