Friday 3 June 2016

Fumesand fumes and fumes


Our Virgin broadband has kicking up for a few days now. It began when we installed a new router which should have doubled the connection speed, it didn’t. What had happened was that we were still logging in our old account ID, not the new one. Everything is fine now though.

Last night we had chips and fish fingers for dinner, and very nice it was too. Come 9 o’clock though the fumes were still hanging about, in fact they were getting worse. So I went to the kitchen and we had left the fryer on. Oh dear, that could have been a real problem with both Jan and Kile having asthma. The effect on their breathing could have been a serious problem if we hadn’t found it when we did, and that of course doesn’t include the possibility of a fire. Thankfully, once we had pulled the plug on it and then turned the thing off, we were safe … until next time that is.

There’s a lot of scare mongering going on over the in/out referendum, with immigration being the main subject on this morning news. It seems that the going rate for getting over here into the UK is €50,000. Where on earth are these people getting that sort of money from? If its borrowed, then they have a life time of penniless slavery ahead of them to repay the debt. Right now I’m sat here wondering the traffickers are getting the money from? There must be someone behind it supplying all dosh needed, or expecting a huge return along the line. Perhaps that is where the cops should be looking to try to stem the flood.

Daft Dave has shown his stupidity yet again by claiming that immigration can only be control by remaining in the EU. Oh really? Then why hasn’t he done just that before, after all he did make a promise to do so. In the same new bulletin there was claim that Polish, Romanian and Irish are the highest in numbers when it comes to criminals. And yet we are not allowed to deport them? Why? Simple really, EU rules on open borders. Oh yes Dave, we really are better off in the EU aren’t we – NOT!!!

First impressions then; how many of us that we get are thought about a person by that first impression? I know I do, and sometimes I’m actually right to do so, and yet I have been really wrong on other occasions. Take Dr Jeff, the Rocky Mountain vet showing on Animal Planet. He walks around in a vest and very long hair and looks like a real mess. That is why we didn’t bother watching it, well, recording it ready to watch. Since then we have watched loads of them and this man is very humble and works tirelessly to help animals and those who can’t pay a full vet fee.

Another incident was with an OU professor who I took an instant dislike to. I actually first saw him one time on telly and I didn’t know who or what his was. He was of mixed race and hand dreadlocks down his back and generally looked dirty and scruffy. And yet he was a Professor of Sociology, how wrong could I get. Even so, no matter who a person is or what he does, there’s one sort of man who instantly puts my back up.

Do you remember a band called Manfred Mann? Well, one member of them had beard, no probs there, but he didn’t have a moustache, and that to me screams communist! It still does, even today. Strange really because I still enjoy their music on the add occasion it gets aired publicly, not very often these days though, sadly. Does that show my age? Well, so be it; I’m 67 if you are desperate to know, and I’m still 67 if you’re not …

Poor Maxi, he’s sat in his cage cheeping loudly at me cos Jan isn’t here keeping up a load of chat to him. Kile isn’t here either, they’ve gone off to a GP appointment for Kile. Anyway, Kile is another one who is always chatting to him while he down on his knees in front of the cage. I can’t stand long enough to chat like that and I certainly can’t kneel! It was certainly ‘poor Maxi’ yesterday evening when he flew around a couple of times and then crashed into the door to the hallway. He fell to the door and lay there shaking and crying out like a little puppy does. Thankfully he’s fine, I think it was more shock than anything. He’s fine now and cheeping away happily.

Today’s photo then …

The one I wanted to post yesterday until Mr Virgin kicked up.

Today’s funny …

A disconsolate father sat watching as his daughter tried on one wedding dress after another, each one more expensive than the last. ''I don't mind giving her away.'' he muttered to his wife. ''But do I have to gift wrap her as well?''              

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