Wednesday 8 June 2016

Legal Aid and its use and abuse

8 June

Jan phoned to speak to the consultant’s secretary about her concerns on my appointment on Sunday. She finally called back this morning and we’re not all that further forward. The photo we have is an injury between S1 and L5, what Jan says she was shown was much higher up. Indeed, from what we were told this morning it was above my older operation site, which looks to be right where the injury we saw is. Anyway, the secretary said she would get him to review the scans again and see what comes of it.

Over the weekend I had the bright idea that I might have a claim over this because of my fall in Mallorca a couple of years ago. So Jan also asked if there was any indication of cause. She was told that it’s usually age related. When Jan explained about the fall, she was told that it could well have been the cause. That is not really enough certainty for me to begin a claim right now. I had a look on the look government website that covers the ‘no win – no fee’ claims system. What these companies don’t tell you is that you may still have to pay for travel expenses, expert witness and so on, even on your own behalf. They don’t say anything about what happens if you lose the claim. Then you are expected to pay the full defence costs of the claim, as well as what you have already paid out. So, ‘could well have been the cause,’ is not enough to make a claim worthwhile.

Now I can see what the government was doing when they decided to remove Legal Aid for the personal injury claims. The Legal Aid budget was certainly climbing drastically at the time and needed to be sorted out. By acting as they did they stopped a lot of the frivolous claims that were being made. But in doing so they also made it much more difficult for genuine claimants with their claims. I wonder how many people have been put off because of all the extra costs involved?

Even so jihadist sympathizers have been spending our money by the millions on fighting attempts to deport or extradite them to face criminal charges. We got no thanks for doing so, just more hatred and scorn poured on us by these same men. Thankfully some of the worst of them have now been ejected from the UK. And while I am writing about jihadists …

France is due to host the Euro 2016 football thingy starting Friday. Most of you will know that have little interest in such silly things as 22 grown men kicking a bag of wind around field, however, many millions of people disagree with me. This tournament has been planned for many years by some of those millions. How sad an indictment on Islam if it gets attacked by the nutty fringe. These people don’t want anyone to have any enjoyment in their lives. They long to see the whole world within Islam, or at least their version of it.

So I wonder what will happen if they get their way and the world accepts their version of the truth. Who will these people turn against then? If they get their Islamic state, what happens to the economies of the world? Who runs the world? I suggest that it is a job far too big for just one man, and I do mean ‘man’ here. Islam places women on a much lower place in the pecking order. How sad a world it will be!

Today photo … There are colours all over the world, colours like these …

All you have to do is look for them   

Today’s funny …

What did one horse say to the other?
I don't remember your face, but your mane is familiar.

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