Thursday 2 July 2015

Money merry-go-round

2 July

This morning I actually felt a tad chilled, all down to the temp falling just those few degrees lower from yesterday, and I’m running around wearing a pair of shorts today for the first time since Mallorca last year. Jan doesn’t react as badly as she used when this happens. Years ago she would feel really cold with such a small drop of temp.

Yesterday was Wednesday and I’m sure don’t need to be told that, but its Wednesday that I get the largest number of visits to my blog. Most weeks is well over 200, and once it was 300+, yesterday however it was only 140, but still a lot better than the normal 20-40 I normally get. I only have 16 followers so normally I get more readers than that. Of course I’m not moaning about that at all, in fact I’m quite chuffed by it. I’m just puzzled why so many read on just one day, I wish they would become daily readers.

And the Greek crisis continues and it all now hinges on a referendum on Sunday. One of my Facebook friends lives in Greece with her family and has taken me to task for saying that they should all pay their taxes properly and in full. My friend says that the general public do pay their taxes properly and pay more than they should because the richer population don’t pay enough of their taxes. Well, that is always the same the world over and even here in the UK many companies and celebrities employ lawyers and accounts to reduce their tax liability. So I really must ask the question: why are things so bad in Greece when other countries seem to be doing a lot better?

As it is right now, the whole of the world is still paying the price of greedy bankers with their antics on the money markets. But are they taking blame for this? Of course not! They sit back on their fat pay packets and bonuses and say if you don’t get off my back, I’ll move around. The answer to that is to call their bluff, ask them if they want a taxi called to take them to Heathrow. You’d soon see they back down pretty I bet. And speaking of Heathrow …

It has been recommended that a third runway be built for the airport. So many Tory muppets have threatened to vote against the government over it, with saying if it goes ahead he will force a by-election. Again, I’m sure most of you will aware of all this, but the point I’m getting to is the reasoning behind the blue muppets who don’t like it. Most of them have constituencies in and around the Heathrow area and they may claim they are think of the effect of their constituents, but in reality they are worried about their own place on the Westminster Gravy Train. Then there muppet Boris; he objects because he wants a third new airport south of the Thames on a place that is rich in wildlife. Perhaps that answers why they don’t like the proposal.

Today’s photo then … 

A gate-crashed wedding.       

Today’s funny …

A mother went to wake her son for church one Sunday morning. When she knocked on his door, he said, "I'm not going!"
"Why not?" asked his mother.
"I'll give you two good reasons," he said. "One, they don't like me. Two, I don't like them."
His mother replied, "I'll give you two good reasons why YOU WILL go to church. One, you're 47 years old. Two, you're the pastor!”

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