Sunday 5 July 2015

A useless lens as well as a healthy diet

5 July

Following on from yesterday’s blog then … I sat and read the new issue of AP that arrived in the post yesterday, and it is one of the best editions for some time. Three street photographers were interviewed about how they go about getting their shots. They all say that using a small camera is better than a huge great DSLR and all the kit that goes with it. Lenses of around 20-30mm are best too. Well, the smallest camera I have is my Nikon Coolpix P6000, which is a compact camera.

Anyway, I went out to the car to bring it in here to have look at it more deeply. The first thing I found out was that it has a RAW format option, something I didn’t know about but its set on RAW now. Here I am, sat here talking about a camera I’ve had for around 4 or 5 years and I’ve only just found out it does RAW. Now all I need is to go off somewhere and try it out as a street camera, and to see if I can anything else new about it I didn’t know.

Just after I bought my Nikon D5200 I also bought a ‘nifty 50’, f1.4 prime lens. Sadly I didn’t know anything about Nikon lenses at the time and for £99 with six circular filters included, I thought it a good buy. It arrived and I tried it but came to a sudden stop with it. My camera body doesn’t an auto-focus motor built in and therefore the lens would need to be a used on manual focus.

However, I also found that for it to work at all I had to set it to f22 before it would do anything at all. The difference in depth of field for f1.4 and f22 is massive and the reasons for buying such a fast lens has gone out of the window. And yet according to D5200 field guide I have here, it should work on everything apart from auto focus. Now I’m stuck with a lens that for all intense and purpose I can’t use. We live and learn I suppose.  

According to Diabetes UK on Facebook this morning, peanuts and peanut butter can help with controlling glucose levels. It is just one of seven food/drink items that can help along those lines. Red onion extract, garlic, apple vinegar, are others. Another one is red wine. Being told all these things is fine I suppose but I always keep in mind that what is really needed is a healthy balanced diet.

Some people just hear what they want to hear. So hearing that red wine will work, some will buy lots of it and drink it. Can you imagine someone eating bags of red onion and garlic? I would like to sit next to him in a pub! As for peanuts, well, thanks but no thanks, I can’t stand them. Brother Dave used to love them but as soon as he started eating them the smell that came off him was really bad. The more anyone complained about it, the more nuts he ate, and the worse the smell got.

Another candid shot then … 

I named this one, When Girls Meet Up.

And today’s funny …

A poster read: "God is dead" - Nietzche.
The graffiti underneath read: "Nietzche is dead" - God.

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