Sunday 11 May 2014

Weather again, missing girls and a republican at heart.

11 May

Sunday morning and I’m sat at me ‘puter while Jan and Kile are in church. It was supposed to be a picnic at Coombe Abbey, one of the wildlife areas. We go there birding every so often. Instead of Coombe Abbey they will hold the picnic in church; good old British weather for you. There are no plans for us to do anything else today, so hopefully I’m going to get on and do some editing on Shipshape.

There are a lot of posts appearing on my FB page with to requests share calls for the release of those girls kidnapped in Nigeria. The nutcase who kidnapped them won’t take any notice of those shares, even if he actually sees them. His plan is to sell them as slaves; the chances are they have already been sold off. So much for Islam being the religion of peace, love and tolerance.

There was an item on telly some time ago that I remember, in which an English girl was living with a Muslim man. She was wanting to marry him and to that end she converted to Islam. Even so, he has told here his culture will never allow him to marry her. She was upset because she didn’t understand why he couldn’t marry her. Top and bottom it of course, is that a Muslim man expects his wife to be virgin on her wedding day. That English lass wasn’t a virgin, hence no wedding. That is the problem with mixed-cultural marriages/partnership. Similar things happen like that lass in various partnerships throughout the world.      

Did you know that an American couple living and working here in the UK, will fly back to the States for the baby’s birth? The reason for that is that only people born in the USA can become President of the USA. So parents are not will to take the chance of not giving their kids the chance to become President by letting them be born outside of the US.

That is due to the republican system of government where the country’s to man is elected, not born in the job as with our royal family. The idea that all men are equal (or supposedly so,) appeals to me much more than our system. OK, I know I wouldn’t have ever got to the top man, but there again, I wouldn’t vote for me anyway.

Enough of my drivel; today’s photo was taken by Kile in the butterfly farm yesterday … 

And today’s funny …

 A small plane pilot running out of gas found himself in the middle of the forest. Spotting a group of hikers, he quickly made a sign saying “Where am I?”  The pilot put the sign to the window so they could see it. Conversing for a few minutes, the hikers soon made their own sign and flashed it at the helicopter pilot. Their sign said, “You’re in a helicopter.”

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