Friday 16 May 2014

T-bone, large portions and the cost to supplier and consumer

16 May

Jan’s new Tamron lens arrived this morning just after 10 o’clock, a lot earlier than mine did. She is happy with it, as I am, and tomorrow we will take a ride into town and we can give it a good run and see just how well it performs. So far it’s doing pretty good by the looks of what I have already shot. They are mostly real ale signs and a few general signs.

Our ex-sister-in-law Lynn, went out for dinner one night and had a T-bone steak. Ever since she said that I’ve been on a fancy for one. So yesterday while we were out I popped into Frank Parker’s, a butcher in Abbey Green, and bought one. Only one mind, Jan knew she wouldn’t manage one and at £10.92 for mine, I’m pleased about that, not because I’m mean, but because of the amount she would have left. Anyway …

What I’ve just said about Jan leaving so much steak brings me to an issue that we have been aware of for some time. You see. I’m a greedy sod and make every effort to finish everything on my plate when the food arrives. The problem Jan has is that if she is over-faced by a large plate full of food, it turns her off eating. These large portions seem to be quite a regular feature in many places.

Quite often, especially when Kile is here, I’ll order a Chinese’s meal to be delivered. Kile and I share what arrives, but there is usually enough left over for another meal, which I freeze for having another day. The chippy is the same. At one time fish and chips were a cheap meal; now it’s quite expensive. What annoys me is that even though I can be greedy, the size of the portions from the chippy are still too much, even for me. I would sooner the cut the portion size and lower the price than have far too much a much higher price.

We were traveling up to Jan’s dad’s place in Richmond, Yorkshire one time. There’s village alongside the A1 called Fairburn. Just there is a pub that I had always wanted to go and see. Well, that day we did call in, and as well as a pint I had their all day breakfast. Oh my … it was huge; two slices of fried bread, four sausage, four rashers of back bacon, two fried eggs, beans, tomatoes, mushrooms and I was then offered chips as well.

That meal was huge and apparently their normal sized breakfast. Jan breathed a sigh of relief cos she had only ordered a couple of slices of toast. I managed the eggs, beans, mushrooms and tomatoes, along with half the sausage and bacon and once slice of fried bread. We got a doggy bag off them for what was left, well, apart from the fried bread that is. When I mentioned it they said that they would sooner give too much than not enough … hmm … but at what cost to them I wonder? Again, too much for the average person to eat.

This is all relevant to the obesity problem in the UK today. I still say that most of it is down to being lazy and greedy, my problem in a nut shell. But even someone who eats sensible would gain weight at the sizes of meals I’ve seen without doing something to work it off. I’m still looking forward to my steak this evening though; with a baked jacket tattie and a side salad to go with it. Yeah OK, I have a nice bottle of white in the fridge too.        

Today’s photo … 

A flutterby in Stratford.

Today’s funny …

As a police officer I was patrolling one night when I noticed a car swerving all over the road. I quickly turned on my lights and pulled the guy over. “Sir, you know you’re all over the road, please take a step out of the car.” When the man gets out of the car I tell him to walk in a straight line. “I’d be happy to,” says the drunk “just can you get the line to stop moving.”

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