Tuesday 20 May 2014

Lots of files, Godzilla and far too much to do ...

20 May

Oh what a game today. It’s taken me nearly ten minutes to find this copy of my blog file. I didn’t realise I had so many copies of it. Anyway, I’ve renamed this one now and will later delete all the others, then make a second copy of it on my USB drive. Why do we put up with all this messing about I wonder?

Some time ago we were at the market in the town centre when we saw one stall selling DVDs. We don’t normally buy any DVDs off market stalls simply because the possible fake copies that many of them sell but we buy one from that stall. The reason for buying was that the DVD we bought was directed by the guy selling it, he even signed it for us too. But here’s the point; he was raising money for a new film he wanted to shoot, and true to form I can’t remember the title of that film. Now Gareth Edwards, has gone to much greater things. At last we locals have someone new, someone decent to be proud of, instead of the Hussy and a certain camp so-called comedian!

This morning we sat and watched Vera. Seeing as we recorded it on Sunday I though perhaps it was due to be watched. Yet again I sat there watching it and wondering why I was doing so. There’s Shipshape to get sorted; this blog needed writing; so many new story ideas sitting in notebooks that I need to get typed up, you know, just in case; I need to cut some of the grass out the back that the council can’t do because of all the large planters we have around a tree out there.

I want to finish reading The Cuckoos Calling, by J K Rowling – which isn’t so bad really; that’s on my Samsung tablet, and beside my bed I have a novel that I’m nearly half way through too. Not only that I have two sets of photos that need to be sorted out ready for posting. That one posted yesterday was just an odd one I did for yesterday’s blog.

We have a large wall unit we need to get emptied and ready for collection by The Mary Ann Evans charity shop. Yesterday we bought a new carpet for the living room and need to arrange room for when the fitters come – even if it is three weeks away. And Jan wants to go out tomorrow to do a bit of birding. Yet again, so much to do, so little time to do it all. Which reminds me actually; sometime ago I was given a poster for beside my desk. There's was a picture of a harrassed looking man running around, and below that the words ... 

God put in in trhis world to achieve a certain amount of goals; I'm so far behind I'll never die!

So for now then, here’s today’s photo … 

A group of youngsters sitting and enjoying the sun in the park on Saturday.

Funny time …

President Obama, the First Lady and Joe Biden were riding on a plane. Barack looked at Michelle, laughed and said, “You know, I could throw a $100.00 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy.” Michelle shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I could throw 10 $100.00 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy.” Biden added, “That being the case, I could throw a 100 $100.00 bills out of the window and make a hundred people very happy.” Hearing their conversation, the pilot smirked, turned to the co-pilot and said, “Such big-shots back there. Hell, I could dump them all out of the window and make millions of people very, very happy.”

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